Thailand Visas

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BTW - as far as I am aware both Penang and KL stopped issuing Ed Visas a while ago.

A mulitple entry tourist visa probably the OPs best bet - sorted in their home country....this way they have no obligation to any DC and can look around once there...

Just make sure you get enough entries so that you have enough time to do all your courses and some relaxing and sightseeing too.

Thanks guys for all your advise, I have also contacted the Thai Embassy and they say pretty much what you guys have, either a Education Visa or a tourist visa. They said to contact the DC I want to train with and get the correct paperwork and they can then issue a ED visa. They have also advised changing a ED visa to a working visa is a lot easier as they do not normally issue working visas on the back of tourist visas so if I intend to work after my training then a ED visa would be the best option. I will just need to decide on a DC before I go if this is the route I want to take.

I will be buying a one way ticket as after my training im heading off to Oz and NZ and I wont know when this will be to enable me to buy a ticket. I didnt think this would be a issue if I had the correct Visa but now you guys have mentioned it could be I will check this out as well!!

Thanks again

One way ti9cket is no problem for Thai immigration if you have a visa.

However, for the visa application, especially a tourist visa, the embassy/consulate will quite often want to see a flight ticket out of Thailand. Normally a reasonable explanation why you don't possess that does the trick.

The consulate in Hull has a good reputation for visa applications BTW.

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