Tenkiller dive report

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# of dives
200 - 499
I normally do not go to Tenkiller lake on a regular basis, but had to on 07/16 to finish my drysuit cert. As many of you know the lake is way down due to the dam mantinence. However, this is the first time I had dove the new scuba park since the bus and boats had been placed for our enjoyment. The visibility was about what I expected 4-6 feet and the temp was in the 60's at depth. I did not wear my weezle extreme undergarment for the dive, instead I wore only a t-shirt and shorts. I was diving in my new Pinnacle dry suit, double AL80's, a Dive Rite HID 10. I did three dives with a total bottom time of about 90 minutes. I did a swim through in the bus and totally destroyed the vis. I have to tell you diving with a drysuit and double tanks will put your confidence down the toilet. If I was diving a wetsuit and a single tank I can put myself anywere I want for any amout of time, but with all the extra gear it made me feel like I was back on my OW dives. I did see some of the largest largemouth bass I had ever seen at any lake during the day. One of the bass would have weighted 6-7 lbs (no drinking involved yet). I am going to Ornogo MO on 0722-0723 for some deep stuff and will give a report when I return.

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