Ten Mile Point video

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Victoria, British Columbia
I went to 10-mile with Subcookie this afternoon. Vis was better that I expected for this time of year (15-20 feet). The wide-angle lens on the video camera makes the vis seem better. I cut the video into 2 parts because Photobucket only allows you to upload videos that are less than 5 minutes. Part 1:http://s88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/markhiebert/?action=view&current=TenMilePointPart1.flv
Part 2:http://s88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/markhiebert/?action=view&current=TenMilePointPart2.flv
Nice videos, thanks
Mark, as a local I visited your website. You have done an incredible job of documenting the local dive scene. I commend you for your passion in diving and promoting Victoria and area!

Cheers, and happy diving

Outstanding video, outstanding website. Your lists of sites got me planning a trip right away. Tides look good for the weekend of the 20th. I'm curious, is the bottle slung under your arm a full 80 and is it for deco diving or redundant air for diving solo con dios.
That's just a 30 and it's for a bailout (solo). Most of my dives are solo (half the time when you see another diver in my pictures, it's really me setting the timer on the camera and swimming in front of the lens). Since I have the bailout, I don't have an octopus on my main reg so even when I'm diving with other people, I still carry it.
It was nice to see some people from White dry suit industry recognizing your passion and hard work. Maybe in the near future they will supply you with a nice dry suit.
It was nice to see some people from White dry suit industry recognizing your passion and hard work. Maybe in the near future they will supply you with a nice dry suit.
Aquaseal would shut down production if Mark got a new drysuit:D
I like the drysuit Idea. Maybe two or three so I don't have to wait for them to dry out between days that I go diving.
As for the Aquaseal, the "Man" is making it hard for me to get my hands on the stuff. All my usual dealers are drying up. The "pushers" get you used to the stuff and then all of a sudden they stop selling it everywhere except for the places that charge 3X as much. Good thing I don't smoke or they'd be charging $30 a pack.

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