Ten Mile Point summer, 2009 photos

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Nice shots. I was in Victoria that weekend for the first time in years. We dove Ogden Saturday night and Sunday morning.

We considered diving Ten Mile Sunday morning but I couldn't remember how to predict the tides there. Any advice?
I would love to, but unfortuneately I'm on a course now until mid-October that runs from 5:00 in the morning until 5:00 or later in the evening so no weekday diving for me. Hopefully the visibility is better for you if you go to Ten Mile than it was for me the last few times. That time that we went years ago, the visibility wasn't great, but it was still about double what it's been lately here at 10-mile. By the way, I liked that river diving report that you posted a while back. It's interesting to hear about places I've never heard of before.

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