Bottom mix might be something like 10/70(%O2/%He), with deco gases of 35/25, 50%, and 100% O2. The logistics are complicated by the fact that you can't breath the 10/70 on the surface, because of its low O2 content, so you would have to start the descent on one of the richer mixes and switch to the lean bottom mix on the way down(not shown in the plan below).
V-Planner 3.91 by R. Hemingway, VPM code by Erik C. Baker.
Decompression model: VPM - B
Surface interval = 1 day 0 hr 0 min.
Elevation = 0ft
Conservatism = + 3
Dec to 200ft (4) Trimix 10/70 50ft/min descent. <<< Low pp
Dec to 260ft (5) Trimix 10/70 60ft/min descent.
Level 260ft 15:00 (20) Trimix 10/70 0.89 ppO2, 41ft ead, 55ft end
Asc to 200ft (22) Trimix 10/70 -30ft/min ascent.
Stop at 190ft 1:00 (23) Trimix 10/70 0.67 ppO2, 23ft ead, 34ft end
Stop at 180ft 1:00 (24) Trimix 10/70 0.64 ppO2, 21ft ead, 31ft end
Stop at 170ft 1:00 (25) Trimix 10/70 0.61 ppO2, 18ft ead, 28ft end
Stop at 160ft 2:00 (27) Trimix 10/70 0.58 ppO2, 16ft ead, 25ft end
Stop at 150ft 2:00 (29) Trimix 10/70 0.55 ppO2, 13ft ead, 22ft end
Stop at 140ft 2:00 (31) Trimix 10/70 0.52 ppO2, 11ft ead, 19ft end
Stop at 130ft 2:00 (33) Trimix 10/70 0.49 ppO2, 8ft ead, 16ft end
Stop at 120ft 3:00 (36) Triox 35/25 1.62 ppO2, 44ft ead, 82ft end <<< High pp
Stop at 100ft 1:40 (38) Triox 35/25 1.41 ppO2, 34ft ead, 67ft end
Stop at 90ft 2:00 (40) Triox 35/25 1.30 ppO2, 29ft ead, 59ft end
Stop at 80ft 3:00 (43) Triox 35/25 1.20 ppO2, 24ft ead, 52ft end
Stop at 70ft 3:00 (46) Nitrox 50 1.56 ppO2, 32ft ead
Stop at 60ft 3:00 (49) Nitrox 50 1.41 ppO2, 26ft ead
Stop at 50ft 5:00 (54) Nitrox 50 1.26 ppO2, 20ft ead
Stop at 40ft 7:00 (61) Nitrox 50 1.10 ppO2, 13ft ead
Stop at 30ft 10:00 (71) Nitrox 50 0.95 ppO2, 7ft ead
Stop at 20ft 12:00 (83) Oxygen 1.60 ppO2, 0ft ead
Stop at 10ft 21:00 (104) Oxygen 1.30 ppO2, 0ft ead
Surface (104) Oxygen -30ft/min ascent.
Off gassing starts at 225.4ft
OTU's this dive: 122
CNS Total: 70.4%
153.2 cu ft Trimix 10/70
19.7 cu ft Triox 35/25
32.3 cu ft Nitrox 50
23.3 cu ft Oxygen
228.5 cu ft TOTAL