Hi TW,
I agree with PfcAJ, it's far too early to think about tech/cave/other stuff. These things require training, money and time. So dive, dive, dive - if you like it
However, the idea of taking fundies right now is a good one. If I were you, I wouldn't do it with tech diving in mind; on the contrary, I would just do the course thinking about improving my diving skills, so as to be more in control and have more fun. Nonetheless, I'll give you some info so that you are just a bit more informed when you will decide.
There are alternative courses similar to fundies that you may want to evaluate (with TDI and IANTD), but you need to consider at least these three factors (in favour of fundies) in your choice:
1 - You need to find the right instructor, which can be tough; with GUE, usually the technical skills of the instructor are guaranteed, so you just need to be sure that the instructor's style fits your personality.
2 - GUE is strongly team-oriented; this can be an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on the situation but, in my opinion, it is a nice thing to try, especially if you are at the beginning.
3 - If you like GUE, and you want to continue with that route, you'll need fundies, so better started there - you are always on time to switch.
I am biased since I am GUE-trained and I loved itso I'd recommend you to speak with people with a different point of view, to extend your horizons. At the same time, don't get obsessed with it - once you find a high-quality instructor that fits your personality, go for it and have fun.
Thanks, for this - helpful. I do agree that jumping into tech right now (although it is conceivable to complete) would be suboptimal. I posted this, and I think people have read into this perceived notion that I'm intending to dive head first into tec diving tomorrow - this is incorrect. I created this post primarily for the following: to gain a better understanding of the various options made available to me in my local area - after this survey and a few private conversations, I've elected to try GUE based on my first impression of the instructors I met and their personality.
After I elected this route, I thought it would be prudent to take fundies this year for the following reasons:
1) To ensure I receive an entry level course that grants me the option to take tech sometime in the future
1a.) As a sidenote, I intend to take fundies with the double tank to improve that optionality. I don't see a point in taking it single if I have even an inkling of wanting to explore the tech side of diving
2) To gain a better grasp of the GUE curriculum and my instructors training style to determine if this is right for me - my gut instinct after meeting with them in person is that it will be, but I'd like to "trust but verify"
3) To develop the beginning of a relationship with my instructor - my research on tec diving indicates this is a HUGE MULTI-YEAR investment. I want a mentor/mentee relationship if I elect to explore this part of diving, not an instructor/instructed relationship
Again, I have no intent of hopping on a boat tomorrow, getting fundies, diving 25 more times, hopping on another boat to get Tec 1. I'm not "hard for cards"; but, I do like to create and shoot for an achievable, if slightly optimistic, schedule. If I fail to maintain that timeline, I've received an incredible education, and I can take my tec courses the next year. I doubt the wrecks and caves I want to explore will be going anywhere in my life time, ha.