Tech Diving Under 18

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Raleigh/Morehead City, NC
I am only 16 as of now and have only completed aprox. 50 dives. I have rescue diver cert and nitrox. My question is is there any way to begin to do any type of tech diving (decomp deep adv nitrox) without being 18? Everything i have seen says you must be 18 first. Do I have any options? I wonder this because I dive off of NC and almost everything is below 80ft so bottom times are super short.

You should still be able to get decent bottom times on nitrox at those depths. Maybe not what you're looking for, but it will have to do, at least until you're 18. If you're breathing your gas down too quickly, you can always look into doubles without the tech aspect of it. I'd take DiverBuoy's advice though. I see from your profile you are trying to buy gear. Don't do the tech stuff until you have the money to buy it. Tech diving is extremely expensive - $1000s, uh, well, more like $10,000s if you really get into it. Do the research, get some gear that's more tech than rec. Unless you land a really profitable job, it might be a while before you can go tech. You definitely don't want to go tech with rental gear. It's just not worth it.
Jacobi,Take your time this diving can be addictive! Deep diving can lure you in,and there is the body physiology thing some folks in the know think young divers can do harm to them selves and this is not known, so take the shorter bottom times as you will be back next time and see more!
Its Great to see you in such a sport and looks like you will turn out to be a good diver, but dont rush some down falls of this sport like in deep dives, the hearing loss chance,or the chance of a hit even though you are young and the odds are in your way that it would not happen,
Then the last as told to me by a old diver / DM / Trainer / Inst, and she said young folks dont have the fear or understanding of death how it ends all. I am sure you do so have fun and dive safe!
can do padi wreck crouse at your age too that just a intro only lets u go in to 120 learner ft think that is yet most tech class have a min of 100 dives too just start to save to man takes alot of cash to go tech i mean lots your talking about 1000 just too doble your tanks + stage if you dont have a bc yet i say go steal plate dont go with like rec wing from dive rite not to big of a wing umm then look on compt ones that let u chanage gases but they run anywhere from 500-1000+ then on 1st and 2nd sage u need 2 of each cant use air2 with tech umm lets see think i got it all just take time save and save plus the classes adiv nitrox and deco will run around 600 bucks
I am only 16 as of now and have only completed aprox. 50 dives. I have rescue diver cert and nitrox. My question is is there any way to begin to do any type of tech diving (decomp deep adv nitrox) without being 18? Everything i have seen says you must be 18 first. Do I have any options? I wonder this because I dive off of NC and almost everything is below 80ft so bottom times are super short.


Let me chime in here from personal experience..

I had a diver your age come to me for decompression training several years ago.. He had 100-200 dives already and was doing deco dives without training as well.. I told him he was too young, and lacked the proper attitude..
I told him take a step back and enjoy himself and not push things..

A few months later he found another instructor that was willing to do the training if he could get a waiver.. He contacted TDI and they okayed it as long as he got a notarized statement from both parents attesting they understood the risks..

to put a long story short he was certified as a Tdi deco procedures diver on a trip to the bahamas.. shortly thereaftre he did a local dive (off long island ny).. He dove with his former instructor's group and did a solo dive.. During this dive he bacame entangled and paniced.. For all parctical reasons he WAS dead..

Another diver found his body, cut him free and brought him to the surface.. He had no pulse nor was he breathing... The started CPR and was able to get him breathing.. He was brought to a hyperbaric facility where he needed several weeks of treatments and rehab.. He ended up with multiple anyrsms (sp) that are inoperable.. he can nevr dive again and has been told he has to avoid flying or going to altitude for the rest of his life..

He is lucky to be alive.. Teenagers think they are indestructable, and are really incapable of making the correct decisions when under peer pressure..
I am only 16 as of now and have only completed aprox. 50 dives. I have rescue diver cert and nitrox. My question is is there any way to begin to do any type of tech diving (decomp deep adv nitrox) without being 18? Everything i have seen says you must be 18 first. Do I have any options? I wonder this because I dive off of NC and almost everything is below 80ft so bottom times are super short.


Wait 2 years and try to get in 100-200 more dives in the process.

I decided a year ago (with about 50 dives) that I wanted to persue the tech route, and I'm still really just learning how to dive, and I probably won't do my first deco dive until late this year or next year sometime after having done probably 200-250 dives...
Just the PADI Tec Deep course (vanilla cream puff) to be enrolled requires you need the following:

be certified as a Rescue Diver
be certified as an Enriched Air (Nitrox) diver
have logged 20 dives below 30 metres (or hold PADI Deep Diver Specialty)
have a minimum of 100 logged dives (with at least 20 logged Nitrox dives, 25 dives deeper than 18 metres, 15 dives deeper than 30 metres)
And about 9 days of instruction.
And a minimum age of 18.

One way to gain experience needed for the prerequisites would be a deep diver speciality then hook up with a very experienced older buddy and get a bunch of deep dives under your belt.
Listen to whats being said.

In reality there is no clear line between "recreational" diving and "technical" diving. Some divers are conducting essentially recreational profiles on trimix. Some technical divers are conducting extremely precise dives in relatively shallow water.

It's all simply diving. As your dives become more complex, you require more equipment to safely execute your profiles. Issues often occur because each additional bit of gear that you take down with you potentially adds stress. Stress builds up incrementally. Eventually a point is reached where the diver is task-loaded to the extent of their ability to deal with each separate bit of gear - deco tanks, scooter, multiple lights, reels, etc.

Add just a little more stress than the diver can tolerate, (which can come from anything: the environment, a current, another diver, a silt-out inside a wreck, etc.) and the diver is beyond their ability to handle the accumulated stress and task loading.

But the same events can challenge a spearfisherman at 80' as well as a wreck penetration taking place at 180'.

Just as stress builds up incrementally, so does the ability to deal with stress. Over time and with lots of practice and experience you will develop the capacity to handle larger and larger amounts of task-loading.

Take your time and, as Lamont suggested, simply work on diving - your basic skills, communications, navigation, dealing with surface issues, dealing with other divers, dealing with boats, simply gain a wide variety of experience.

When you're 18 all the rest of that task-loading will still be there waiting for you.

(Oh, and you might want to start saving some money also...)

Dive safe,


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