I want to start off with deep tec diving.
Why do you want to dive deep Zackery? There are good reason, and not so good reasons for wanting to do that. What are yours?
And what do you mean by "deep" 150 feet is way different to 500 feet !
Tech diving varies between expensive and crazy expensive. I started a thread ages ago asking how much it would cost to get to the stage where you could competently do 300' dives. Consensus came out at around $20,000.
EDIT: Found It http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/te...lties/133966-300-foot-dive-how-expensive.html
PADI has 1000's of instructors. I guess one or 2 of them must be O.K.

More seriously I would pick an instructor who is a serious diver first and an instructor second. My Advanced Nitrox instructor had done 400 foot dives, cave instructor has been cave diving for something like 35 years, and has personal experience of how dangerous this pastime can be.
By comparison my Trimix instructor taught for the money. I basically bought a card rather than training. (I knew that going in and was fine with it)