I just checked my on-line version of AOW manual. I did AOW last year, however, manual is dated 2000-2008. It seems that it is pretty old. Also, during 10 years I suppose some new specialties were introduced but manual was not updated. It is really annoying when huge corporations doing their business on "old materials and not updating them on a constant basis. PADI definitely has sufficient cash to properly update its materials but saving money.
Mark Powell's book "Deco for divers" was the best book that I read. I definitely going to buy his newest book as well.
TDI materials are also not perfect
Books are writted in big font in order to look thicker
Also, there is a lot of overlapping material in Advanced nitrox and Deco procedures books. Do not know anything about Extended range as I have not taken this course yet.
Mark Powell's book "Deco for divers" was the best book that I read. I definitely going to buy his newest book as well.
TDI materials are also not perfect