How big of a contributor to CO@ production do you REALLY think WOB on open circuit is compared to:
- Stress
- Actual Work (e.g. intertia and drag from pushing heavy steel doubles and drysuit vs. AL80's and wet suit)
If somebody gets stressed and their breathing rate skyrockets, the WOB due to helium is not going to make a whole lot of difference. Pushing 70 more pounds of gear with a lot more drag is going to produce a lot more work than sucking air vs. mix. Of all the reasons to use helium, I think this argument is a weak one in the big scheme of things.
You are trying to separate the effects of one part of the "package" as it were, when they do not ever exist in isolation from each other. It is not a question as to which one of the parts of the package causes more problems, it is that they all work together and do not exist in isolation. You start with "if someone gets stressed and their breathing skyrockets" when C02 build up is already starting from a higher WOB with air which causes stress, which causes your breathing rate to increase....etc. You are starting part way down the chain of events, rather than at the beginning. Lowering your WOB lowers your stress, etc., thus contributing to lower C02 build up, further lowering your susceptibility to stress.