Taveuni: Paradise vs. Taveuni Dive Resort vs. Nakia

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Seattle, USA
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100 - 199
We are planning to head to Taveuni, Fiji next year and are quite torn between these three options. Price-wise, they'll all end up being similar for a week of diving for two people.

The main pro I see for Paradise Taveuni is that they have a house reef that allows for a shore dive in the afternoon in addition to the two-tank boat dives in the morning. The other two ops are further north (so closer to Rainbow Reef), but don't have a house reef to explore, so we'll be limited to just boat dives. On the other hand, Trip Report - Paradise Taveuni-March/April 2024 concerns me as a recent negative review.

If you made a choice between these three options, I would love to understand your reasons!
Taveuni Dive Resort doesn’t have air conditioning if I recall. So if you want AC I don’t believe they have it.

My wife and I had a great time in 22 at paradise. We also ran into boat issues with them as well. Their big boat was down, so their normal second boat became the boat for the big group that was there then they had hired a tiny boat for the rest of us and there was zero room.

We also were supposed to have an ocean front room but didn’t get one (11 day trip).

We were fine the entire trip and would do it again under the same circumstances. We didn’t complain as we never do when there are any issues. I just keep in mind how remote these places are and it is what it is.

But I believe I ruled out Taveuni Dive Resort because they didn’t offer a third dive, and no AC’s.

We are returning to Fiji in 2025 to stay at volivoli for a couple weeks.

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