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What part of this indicates that I'm suggesting that you start paying for using the forum?
But don't let any of this affect your whining while you're uiing it for free.
Talk about making assumptions out of context...
Why even mention it at all?
Because honestly I'm sick and tired of members taking cheap shots at those staff people who volunteer to keep SB running. And reacted to both posts accordingly.

What have you done this past week to help the membership?

I've spent hours (honestly) since the upgrade responding to problems, reviewing documentation, googling for solutions to members problems and providing suggestions and follow-up for our member driven board. Read the several threads in site support and whine/cheeze about them. My posts are all over them.

Including some in areas that required me to learn something that I'll have no practical use for in the future.

What have you done except complain?

Why should we have to justify why the board is/is not running to someone's personal satisfaction. Which in itself is a tenuous claim to make based on not knowing the parameters under which you're accessing the board. I access the board using Win7/FF4 across a broadband connection and don't have any performance issues - except for the occasional slowdown when the usercount is high.

As explained above, some of that should be alleviated when the upgrades are complete and the board is optimized - it's not now. It doesn't help that the primary sysadmin is also on a boat to the DR this week.

Why hold ScubaBoard - who by the way buys the .vBulletin s/w from Jelsoft - to a higher standard? A little company called Microsoft does the same thing regularly. Then issues Service Packs - also known as bug fixes. Yet no one complains that their Windows/Mac OS is constantly needing upgrading. Does OS X ever upgrade? - IDK

I'm done here.

I'll be spending my volunteer time this afternoon responding to questions from others in our community. In fact while typing this I've received two PM's from members who have questions I can't currently answer. One at least I may be able to help solve.

btw, I'm also a member. So what are you doing as a member of our community to help? Apparently not being very understanding or supportive...
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As an unpaid volunteer board member in several organizations, I can totally relate to much of what you're saying. Still, if it's causing a lot of stress in your life, perhaps it's time to step back...

No one complains about Microsoft? You're kidding! MS is the whipping post for nearly all computer users.

The point here is that you're sending the message that as a mere peon user one has no right to complain about anything, and if you do you will get pounced on. Jim Lapenta, a long time SB member and sponsor, voiced a complaint and got slammed for it.

How many users have issues but will just silently go away because they are reluctant to bring them up? It's analogous to businesses and customer complaints. A complaint is an opportunity to save a customer. Businesses that welcome complaints are able to address them and thrive. Businesses that stonewall complaints often find themselves with few customers and they don't understand why. Complaints may be frivolous and unjustified but if you never hear them you never get to make that call.
I'm not sure how you feel I "pounced" on JL. I pointed out that IMO he had unreal expectations of what the board can do to help resolve his particular issues since they seem unique to his situation. How is the fact that he has a contract with his carrier our responsibility? I think he set the tone with the demands in his post also.
Where's Pete?
Really? Don't like the answer so run to the owner instead of working to resolve the issues with your phone, your carrier and your software that prevent you from accessing the board in the same fashion as hundreds of others? And then be demanding?

I feel he had unreal expectations of why the requested support is not part of being a Supporting Sponsor membership. I think he set the tone in his post also.

Maybe I was a little harsh but I've already explained that. And it it helps, I apologize to Jim if my remarks were taken in the wrong context.

btrw, I'm also a long term member. About 4mos. longer than JL And maintained my Supporting status long after I was a Mod. So I fail to see the relevance in this discussion.

Should we now provide tech support for every user who has a problem with their unique configuration to help them resolve it? I'd like to but we don't have the support call center resources to back it up. And would likely get slammed by someone for trying.

There is probably about a dozen people who regularly provide moderation support on SB. Technical support I can count on one hand including myself. How many mods do you see answering queries in the Support forum?

diversteve - a long time moderator - voiced an objection and got slammed for it here. Maybe you're right - I should just step back now. Maybe I will.

I'm out...
A person representing a business (you, paid or not) has a higher duty to remain civil and "professional" than the customer (Jim, or any other user). Whether it's fair or not, you simply cannot let the customer with a complaint to set the tone. Incidentally, he wasn't speaking to you specifically and did not quote anyone but you were speaking directly to him.

FWIW, the only reason I was even reading this thread is because I was having issues with Tapatalk on SB since the upgrade. I am an admin that has installed Tapatalk on my own site so I know it's just a plugin but there is also a Tapatalk community forum where owners can get answers. There have been a rash of problems recently with sites that have upgraded yet Tapatalk is working fine on most sites. SB is the only site I have issues with Tapatalk and I have 7 forums that I regularly visit with it.

Perhaps referring Jim to the Tapatalk forums where he might learn more about how to deal with the issue would have been better?

BTW, Tapatalk for the Blackberry is a BETA version.
For the record - I have apologized to Jim. I will do so again if it makes this off-topic debate in a Tapatalk thread end now.

Jim, I sincerely apologize for not treating your issue with the respect it deserved.

Honestly after some introspection I really don't care that much about this issue to continue to debate it with you reefhound. Or suprbugman. And I can debate a minor point endlessly if I'm in the right mood.

So I won't be.

Sometimes I forget that this is just an internet forum. And supposed to be fun - for me as well. This no longer is.

Since you have a greater knowledge of Tapatalk and accessing forums via a smart phone than I do I would appreciate it if you would help Jim resolve his issues instead.

This is my final post here.
What part of this indicates that I'm suggesting that you start paying for using the forum?

Talk about making assumptions out of context...

The very fact that you brought up money, and the fact that I'm not paying any. What else is that supposed to imply?

Because honestly I'm sick and tired of members taking cheap shots at those staff people who volunteer to keep SB running. And reacted to both posts accordingly.

99.99% at Scubaboard are volunteers. Most of us volunteer content, you chose to do a little more by being staff - deal with critisism, or don't volunteer. Did you think it was gonna be all high 5s and thumbs up? :p

What have you done this past week to help the membership?

Aside from this little run of entertainment? Couple posts here and there and a few photos.

Why should we have to justify why the board is/is not running to someone's personal satisfaction.

Really? I shouldn't have to lay this out for you.... but.

Keep members satisfied in order to keep the members around to provide content. You need to understand, this board is NOTHING without its membership and their content. NOTHING. When the users are here, the content is here, then the traffic is here, and so are the sponsors.

As explained above, some of that should be alleviated when the upgrades are complete and the board is optimized - it's not now. It doesn't help that the primary sysadmin is also on a boat to the DR this week.

Then expect bitching until its complete.

Why hold ScubaBoard - who by the way buys the .vBulletin s/w from Jelsoft - to a higher standard? A little company called Microsoft does the same thing regularly. Then issues Service Packs - also known as bug fixes. Yet no one complains that their Windows/Mac OS is constantly needing upgrading. Does OS X ever upgrade? - IDK

Really? What dreamland are you living on?

I'm done here.

Obviously not.

So what are you doing as a member of our community to help? Apparently not being very understanding or supportive...

I'm here to provide the content :wink: You're hear to support the members, not the other way around - and thats your biggest FAIL in realization.

I'm not sure how you feel I "pounced" on JL. I pointed out that IMO he had unreal expectations of what the board can do to help resolve his particular issues since they seem unique to his situation.

Why shouldn't he? His app was working just fine until the 'upgrade', then it didn't... His app didn't change, so why shouldn't he expect SB to correct whatever it is they put into place that made his issue to begin with??? The only thing that changed was the board.
D'Oh, I guess he's done... guess I'll fill my day at the office in some other way :p

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