Tall diver question about wetsuits

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Las Vegas baby!
I have been lucky enough to get into a wetsuit that fits very well and is extrememly comfortable. However, being 6'5'', I have about a 2-3 inch gap between the top of my boots and the bottom of my wetsuit by the time I am in the water. Ugh.

Normally not a problem until I went into Lake Mead last week. The water was a TAD bit chilly :)

Anyone know of a product or quick fix to this kind of problem? thx!
well, you could always do the redgreen approach and modify boots with a cuff via aquaseal?
might not look pretty, but ti'd work. else do what i did...custom dry suit
well, you could always do the redgreen approach and modify boots with a cuff via aquaseal?
might not look pretty, but ti'd work. else do what i did...custom dry suit

You may want to be careful in taking advice from JoeDelt, I am sure that you don't have his money. Old John didn't stop at a custom drysuit, you will need to purchase a couple of PST-130's, a new HID light and some new jet fins with spring straps to complete the ensemble. You have heard the phrase, "Can't dive good unless you look good!" Well old John is living proof of that.

Don't try to keep up with the Jones's it will only bankrupt you.

Mitten Diver
There are several styles of boots. Some are really high tops and others aren't. Might check into a higher topped boot.
Aquasealing the cuff to the inside of the boot would be an option and not unsightly. You could also buy a used, or cheap, suit and cut two cuffs and just slip them on your leg after the suit and before the boots. Zip the boots up over the cuff.
Another option would be to sell your suit and buy one that is long enough. I am 6'2" and my Mares Isotherm is long if anything.
lol, thx mitten! True statement... I do have ramin in my kitchen

I like the idea of using a used/cheap suit and cutting the cuffs off. May have to keep my eye open for a used one :) thx!
I have been lucky enough to get into a wetsuit that fits very well and is extrememly comfortable. However, being 6'5'', I have about a 2-3 inch gap between the top of my boots and the bottom of my wetsuit by the time I am in the water. Ugh.

Normally not a problem until I went into Lake Mead last week. The water was a TAD bit chilly :)

Anyone know of a product or quick fix to this kind of problem? thx!
I am also 6'5" and also have difficulty with suits being long enough. What I do (quick fix) is take a couple of neoprene mask straps and tuck them in my suit and fin boots so that they are covering the gap. You can play with it until the desired fit is attained. There are also a couple of manufacturers (Mares for one) that make a higher neoprene sock that may fit under your boot to take up the space. Not the "ideal" exposure protection but for the vertically enhanced, hey...it works.
Anyone know of a product or quick fix to this kind of problem? thx!

Duct tape? :wink:
I just had this problem with a customer in our shop. A 5'10" tall skinny woman. Big gap between her suit and boots. So we added a pair of neoprene socks and that filled the gap without anymore neoprene then necessary. Mares makes a great sock that's about a 1/2mil thick . So does Henderson Neosport.
I am also 6'5" and also have difficulty with suits being long enough. What I do (quick fix) is take a couple of neoprene mask straps and tuck them in my suit and fin boots so that they are covering the gap. You can play with it until the desired fit is attained. There are also a couple of manufacturers (Mares for one) that make a higher neoprene sock that may fit under your boot to take up the space. Not the "ideal" exposure protection but for the vertically enhanced, hey...it works.

For around $150-$175 (7MM) you can go to www.ScubaL.com and they will make a custom one for you. Might be the best for the long run. Good Luck!

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