Suggestion Talk threads

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Reg Braithwaite

Reg Braithwaite

Reaction score
Toronto, ON
# of dives
50 - 99
If you can only give me one new feature in 2009, please let it be this one!

Many threads devolve from talking about the subject to talking about posts on the thread, e.g. complaints that certain posts are off topic, requests to moderate, and so forth. These are important issues to air, however they pollute the original thread. The Feedback forum is "too far away" from the thread, so moving them there is not a good solution.

Wikipedia solves this by having a special "talk" conversation set up for every one of its pages. My first suggestion is that the forum software be modified such that every thread automatically has a related "talk" thread created for it. So if there's a thread called "Talk threads," the software automatically creates one called "TALK: Talk threads."

When reading a thread, you automatically see a link to read teh talk thread, along with the name and time of the last post there, just like looking at a regular forum.

Next, the report button gets a makeover. Instead of sending a PM to a moderator, it quotes whatever post you are reporting and starts a post in the talk thread. People can then thrash out their off-topic arguments in the talk thread, where commenting on people's comments is on-topic.

Messages like "thread moved" and so forth also go in the talk thread. Moderators can move anything that belongs in the talk thread to the talk thread as well. It will keep the main thread clean and the thread about the thread is right there for people to indulge themselves.

As an aside, moderators have a lot of power. If SB wants to appoint a "deputy moderator," they can simply give someone the power to move posts from a main thread to the talk thread. So for example if a full mod feels a post violates TOS, she can remove it, edit it, whatever. But if a deputy mod feels the same way, he can only move it to the talk thread and reply to it there. That will allow deputy mods to keep forums on topic without getting into a lot of politics about deleting or editing comments. naturally, a post moved to "talk" can always be restored later after review.

Talk threads would not be visible in a forum list.
Many threads devolve from talking about the subject to talking about posts on the thread, e.g. complaints that certain posts are off topic, requests to moderate, and so forth. These are important issues to air, however they pollute the original thread. The Feedback forum is "too far away" from the thread, so moving them there is not a good solution.
The Feedback forum is meant for discussions on SB policy, not for discussion of individual threads.

Wikipedia solves this by having a special "talk" conversation set up for every one of its pages. My first suggestion is that the forum software be modified such that every thread automatically has a related "talk" thread created for it. So if there's a thread called "Talk threads," the software automatically creates one called "TALK: Talk threads."

When reading a thread, you automatically see a link to read the talk thread, along with the name and time of the last post there, just like looking at a regular forum.
There's no such functionality for vBulletin and it's unlikely that it will be created in the near future.

Next, the report button gets a makeover. Instead of sending a PM to a moderator, it quotes whatever post you are reporting and starts a post in the talk thread.
How would the software determine when something needs to go to a talk thread or when it needs to be dealt with by a Moderator?

FYI, the
button does not send a PM. Instead it creates a thread in the Moderators forum with all relevant information. The Moderator dealing with this request/complaint will then decide what needs to be done.

People can then thrash out their off-topic arguments in the talk thread, where commenting on people's comments is on-topic.

Messages like "thread moved" and so forth also go in the talk thread. Moderators can move anything that belongs in the talk thread to the talk thread as well. It will keep the main thread clean and the thread about the thread is right there for people to indulge themselves.
If the off-topic discussion is deemed worthy of its own thread, a Moderator will create that thread by moving those posts to a new thread.

As an aside, moderators have a lot of power. If SB wants to appoint a "deputy moderator," they can simply give someone the power to move posts from a main thread to the talk thread. So for example if a full mod feels a post violates TOS, she can remove it, edit it, whatever. But if a deputy mod feels the same way, he can only move it to the talk thread and reply to it there. That will allow deputy mods to keep forums on topic without getting into a lot of politics about deleting or editing comments. naturally, a post moved to "talk" can always be restored later after review.
Several forums have been assigned Forum Hosts who can do simple housekeeping tasks. They do not have full Moderator powers and are not allowed to act as such. You can find all current Forum Hosts here.

Talk threads would not be visible in a forum list.
You can choose to ignore any thread you feel unworthy of your attention. Just look under Thread Tools.

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