I am PADI trained and I have the "DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING" so ingrained in my head that I'm literally rolling my eyes at myself if I suspect that a fin tip may have touched something by accident - I feel SO stupid! I have 135 dives and my dive instructor has said that I have good buoyancy - but I'll keep working to improve it as long as I dive. With that in mind, when I'm taking pictures I take great care to be aware of where all of my body parts and equipment are so that I'm not damaging the reef structure (or my buddy!). Having the buoyancy to take the picture and get great photos is a challenge and I love it when I get a great shot! However ... I was watching a youtube of someone in Cozumel taking pictures and she was using one hand to hold on to a coral head (I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she probably placed her hand strategically so as not to damage anything) while she took the picture.
What went through my mind was that her actions weren't in keeping with the challenge - heck, anyone could get a good shot on dry land or by holding onto something. I love to watch the owner of my LDS when she's taking pictures - she's got great buoyancy and relies on that to maintain her position in the water.
Am I being overly rigid in my thinking? Is it ok to strategically hold on to something to get that great picture? Honestly, the way that marine life camouflage I'd be a bit fearful of putting my fingers anywhere without gloves on - and many of the places we dive don't allow gloves.
Looking forward to your responses.