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It's that time again ..

Thank you, all of you, who do so much, so that we have the life we do

We Support You

and thank you, GCS Distributing, for providing us with poignant tributes such as these
Thank you
America's sons and daughters past, present, and future fight for our freedom and the freedom of man kind. For their sacrifice, for their families sacrifice we who are witness of their heroism are grateful. You all are in my prayers!
I pray for your safety and speedy return. With a thankful heart know that every day is rememberance day!
Thank you on behalf of my family, myself, and our country!
"America's sons and daughters past....your heroism"

Thank you...(some pics)



it reads....
For those of us who are not in the service, it is hard for us to fully understand the brother/sister hood that you belong to, or the pain that many of you carry ...
But we can honor you with our thoughts, and words ... I do so once again

thank you

Please take time to remember those that are far away ... Repost ...

Would you please set aside for a moment whether you think they should be there, or not ... and have some thoughts for those that are not here, are not enjoying the weekend, families, friends, the loved & cherished , and yes, even diving .. we are ... and they are not

... Take a moment would you, to watch this, and be moved ... Until Then

And I find these two to very compelling as well .. both made by a 16 year old girl

... "Remember Me" ... YouTube - Remember Me

... "If You Want Me To" ... YouTube - If You Want Me To

To all of you ...

I AM proud of you

I WILL remember you

Thanks for posting this.

It's ALLWAY'S IMPORTANT to remember those who gave their lives for our freedom.
Whatever country you live in,what/whome ever you think you are.


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