What happens when they've paired you with an instabuddy who's not experienced in 'team' diving? For me getting a buddy means having explicit responsibility for someone else, with the absolute obligation to spend time monitoring what that person is doing. Little things, such as correct torch etiquette, not constantly swimming behind (where you can't see them), etc. Also, as I don't know the skills or experience of that person, I have to assume the worst and never expect any help from them. Big responsibility for few or no benefits in return.
This seems way too much like a job than diving for pleasure.
When diving in a team, there's lots of specific protocols and techniques used to maintain team awareness. For example using torches for signalling and positioning; knowing where to be in relation to other team members; clear signalling and hand signals, etc. Alas these skills are rarely known in recreational diving which makes it hard and frustrating, and more so when diving with people who can't fin without kicking up silt, or who's buoyancy and positioning is mediocre.
Maybe that's why I spend most of my diving solo, or diving with other solo divers.