symptom of Ox Tox?

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Are there any reported case of oxygen toxicity, in particular convultions, for recreational diving?

If so, do we know incident rate? I mean, I've heard the argument time and time again for lower partial pressure of oxygen but am much more interested in understanding the risk trade off between using Nitrox even oxygen for deco versus the DCS risk.

Is there any litterature on the subject?

Recently I was diving with about 33% Eanx at about 85ft I started to lose hearing or at least my hearing changed. I immediately went up some and the sensation went away. I did not try to go back down to see if it was just water in my ear or a clearing issue. is that a warning sign of anything Nitrox related? obviously 85 ft is near the (rec) limit of 33% in a hand grenade sort of way but I had considered it totally safe as I have read that the Navy regularly uses 2.0PP as a limit.

Were you taking any decongestants? Medications with pseudophedrine? Anything speeding up your heart rate?

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