in_cavediver:Here's the easy answer: If you can afford it, seperate regs are the easist. (as is a seperate plate for wetsuit/drysuit etc).
If you can't afford it, or simply don't want to, it only takes a few moments to swap hoses around.
I've dove H valves and used to like them. Since I tried a set of AL 80's in a skin, I much prefer those to any single 80. I also tried a tiny set of double 45's and they were extremely comfortable and about the same wieght as a single 80 but redundant. (they have since become a set of 02 bottles)
Affording it is not a problem. I only had to re mortage my house after the past 5 years of diving, to keep up with this sport J/K
I had a steel 45 for deco, I sold it on Ebay, if you check my feedback
Yes, I agree, I like diving doubles at depth then a single tank, when divign singles, I'm always slinging a 19 cf , which is a pain, for a pony.
i think I maid up my mind, I'm going to band back up the Alum 80's, and use them over the steel 100's
I'll just keep the 100's, and order a few H-Valves for them as well.