Swimming - Front Flip

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Hey, guys. I have been reading Jep's post about the 400 yard swim and also looking into the DM course requirements (for way into the future!).

Anyway, I go swimming 2 or 3 times a week so I thought I'd time myself. Time was reasonable for 400 metres (9 mins 48 which would come down if I converted it into yards!), which I was pleased about (sorry, Jep - I'm not a great swimmer but I swam for the school team many moons ago!) for a first effort. Anyhow, I was thinking I could knock a few seconds off by doing flip turns on the front crawl laps BUT I have never been able to do them!

So when I saw all the good advice you gave on swimming technique, I thought I'd ask you for advice on doing flip turns. It's like, I'm getting to the wall and I either go too soon, or leave it too late or if I get the distance right, I can't do the turn, I end up kind of floating facing the wrong way!! I'm sure it's easy when you know how. Anyone? Victoria??
together with a swimming instructor for a couple of hours. They usually have some quick methods for teaching flip turns.
that while I know how to do flip turns, most of the time I don't get it right. It really takes a lot of practice to get it right consistently.
I haven't competitively for a long time, but I used to swim the 200 and 500 yard race. In pools designed for racing there is a marker on the bottom that lets you know the distance to the wall. Still every pool has some differences. Take some time before your timed swim to practice your turns, get a feel for the pool, and find a mark on the bottom that tells you to initiate your turn. It's also helpful to have a consistent turn, and I suppose this only comes from practice. Good luck.
Hey Brizzo!
Sorry i only just read your post.... Flips are a funny thing, some peeps think they are simple, others never seem to get the hang of it.. but it is a case of practice... good tips.. when you are in the turn keep your body as tight together as possible (like a ball) and as you push off, push out your arms, youll get the max efficiency in your turn... Get as close to the wall as possible before going into the turn... otherwise you'll find that u are trying to find the wall with your feet, and in addition you will not achieve the max thrust from your push!

Hope Ive helped!!!
The best tip I was given for 'flip turns' is to mark your turning spot, head under, turn your right shoulder under and towards your left side, the rest of your body will follow. Kick off with your arms straight.
Hope this helps.:)
As far as getting when to start your turn, as everyone else says, mark your spot. One of the biggest reasons to miss your spot is your breathing.

Case in point. I cross breath and in the pool I use most often, if I cross breath all the way I wind up with the full 3 strokes at the start of the flipturn. This means I either a) get hypoxic during the turn or b) try to squeeze in a breath and mess up the distance.

Instead, for the last breath I just take 2 on the same side. This works a lot better for me. But, FYI, I've been doing flip turns for a long time and I still miss on occation....it usually just results in either having to bend your knees a little more than expected or a weak push off.

As far as form, you might be going too deep. I learned in 3 feet of water, whenever I had tried to do them before in deeper pools I always had trouble. 3 feet may sound shallow, but you sort of have to learn it right.
I am going to the pool tomorrow and will try out your various suggestions. I really feel I ought to be able to do them because I am very comfortable in water. When I was at school I was in the team but my stroke was breaststroke - much less acrobatic turns! I am getting to like front crawl better now though it still tires me out more than breaststroke. But for doing a timed swi for DM exam, front crawl would be quicker so I need to practise it and get more endurance doing it.

Anyway, will let you know how I go - hopefully, I won't have split my head open or crashed my foot against the wall!!
I had to wait for my daughter to get home from school, so she could explain it. So here she is:

A flipturn is simple. First you need to get a good start, you don't have to but it's a good idea. Then you flip, its like a sumersault. Then get ready to push off the wall, don't bend your legs all the way, just slightly. When you push off you will be on your back, that's OK. Next you slowly turn on your front so you can continue your swim. It takes lots of practice to do a really good one, but in time you'll get the hang of it.

And there you have it. She's been doing flip turns for 7 years. (The other 2 kids have confirmed that her description is right.)

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