Suunto Vyper not working - works only as a clock

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I bought a second hand Suunto Vyper as a backup computer. It worked 1 or 2 days and now it doesn't work anymore. So I have a working main computer and a non working backup computer

Anyway, the error message is "AC" something. The computer works only as a watch, keeping time, but it doesn't track the dive. The strange thing is it used to work for 1 or 2 days. I will have to bring a go pro to the swimming pool in order to take a picture of the error messages. Perhaps you already know about this issue
The battery is not new but should be more or less at half

"AC" only means that the water contacts are activated. It usually automatically starts the dive at at 3-4 m. How deep were you diving? With all that said, Suunto had a spate of problems with their depth sensors.
My Vyper, less than a year old, had the same problem two weeks ago. My LDS tested it in a pressure chamber & confirmed that the depth sensor wasn't working.

Looks like there's a current settlement in the US for defective depth sensors in Suunto computers: Home | Suunto Dive Computer Settlement
The battery is ok (more or less) it's about 50%
Very likely the problem is the depth sensor
Do you happen to know if it is possible to get only the sensor and how much would that be?
I get AC from time to time and when I looked it up it said it meant the contacts were likely dirty. Maybe that results in it thinking they're activated. Try cleaning them with a pencil eraser and/or a good soak. My computer always continued to work as a computer when it said AC though, the AC would disappear when I got in the water.

If the battery is 50% as in 2 of 4 bars displayed, I would definitely consider it time to change. I don't think the life from 2/4 bars to 0 is the same as 4/4 to 2/4, or means half in the usual sense. I've always considered 2/4 to be almost dead for my purposes - I might do a few dives with it, but would change it before something like a week dive trip. My LDS says 3 bars on those Suuntos is safe for a week or 2 of constant diving.
Good advice, thank you
As for the battery I am planning to replace it, the cheapest place I know in Europe is a website based in Spain so it will take like 2 weeks to get it delivered
Good advice, thank you
As for the battery I am planning to replace it, the cheapest place I know in Europe is a website based in Spain so it will take like 2 weeks to get it delivered

It is a standard 2450 battery available in most electronics stores. Just get a decent brand. The O-ring is also a standard 70 shore 026 O-ring, but you don't have to change it unless it is damaged. Here is a video on how to do it:
Easier than what I thought...
I will clean up the depth sensor, otherwise I will have to replace it
Anyway, by now I still have to clean it, let's see what happens

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