Sunshine Coast

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The malahat was a combination of problems that resulted in near-disaster.

Firstly, we had some bad instructions, so we didn't find what we were looking for - basically we dove out along the breakwater looking for a "chain" stretching out to the left. During this process the flash arm on my camera decided to break (easy fix, but having never had the prob before took me a while). Eventually, after a lot of frustration, we came to realize our instructions were bad - there was no chain leading us from the breakwater to the ship. So we just "guestimated" a course and headed off towards where we though it was.

At this point one set of buddies in our group somehow got separated from our main group. They had their own little adventure and ended up surfacing in the nasty water on the other side of the breakwater. Not exactly pleasant for them, and one suffered a few minor injuries trying to crawl over the concrete thingie they have on the shore.

As for the rest of us, we eventually spotted what looked like a marker buoy that was supposedly on-route to the ship. Turned out to be a crab trap. About this time I developed a slow leak in my neck seal - nothing fast, and barely noticeable. I tou Eventually I noticed that I was wet - and heavy. At this point we began to notice what appeared to be wreckage, but we were forced to surface due to the ever-increasing flood of water into my suit.

we surfaced a ways from shore, and began swimming in. By this point in time I was so flooded that is was difficult to swim - too heavy, and my legs were filled with water. My buddy helped tow me in, at which point we packed up, headed back to camp, and drank heavily :coke:

I'm hoping second time's the charm!


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