Sunscreen for the tropics

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ms tomato

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What do you think is the best sunscreen for Caribbean diving? I hate that stuff that smells funny and makes your eyes burn. Has anyone found some that STAYS ON and blocks the harmful sun rays? Thanks
As someone who has only two skin tones... white and red... I've tried a number of sunscreen. The best I've seen is called Scuba made by Key West Aloe. It goes on like Elmers glue but it does prevent me from burning... They have a Website and a phone number 800-445-2583.

Bullfrog is very highly rated. I've been using it for a year or so & find it quite good. It also comes in a variety of strengths and forumulations.

Just before going to Tahiti this March, I was diagnosed with a Melanoma that would have to be removed when we returned.

(I had convinced my Doc that I wouldn't give up diving, and that wouldn't go over well with a 2" healing wound on my arm, so he agreed to wait until after the trip!)

My partner and I used some common brand that I can't remember, but they've come out with a new "Sport" waterproof formulae. It's in a dark blue tube with finger-shaped grips on the side, and we used SPF 48. It went on easily, no offensive odor or odd color, and we spent 2 weeks in French Polynesia with out any sunburn at all! You can find it in all the stores.

Happy Diving,

Scuba-sass :)
It's hard to beat BullFrog. But, sometimes its hard to find. another good one is Aloe-Gator. Both are amphibious (waterproof).

I use Coppertone waterproof sunblock. It is not stinky (IMO), but it is very, very greasy. I put up with the grease because it's reasonably waterproof and it works.

As much as possible, I cover up between dives -- hat, big floppy t-shirt, surfer-style shorts -- and stay out of the sun. If I'm snorkelling, I wear a suit that's cut like a shortie wetsuit, but made of lycra. Not sexy, but it keeps the sun off my back. Very common in Singapore... all the children wear them.

I use to think Skin Cancer only happens to the other guy......but I got news for ya....

If you want real protection, look for a product that has either ZINK or TITANIUM in the list of ingredience....having been thru skin cancer, I can tell you that most dermatoligist will tell you that anything after 30 is redundent, but those two items are the most important... also for what it's worth, I bought and use both tee shirts and cover up that have UV protection right in the material.

Also.... some products are better for the enviroment than other...
If you want the names of the actual products just PM me and I will give you the brands.

I only have problems with the sun when I'm on the water. Waiting for other divers to get in, surface swimming with a class, etc. My face get burnt to a crisp, mainly from the glare off the water.

Do any of the products mentioned damage the silcone mask skirt? I've heard that sun block (in general) will cause the silicone to harden and crack.

Anyone know for sure?
The wife and I have been using a product made in Israel, called Safe Sea you can order online or from stateside retailers.

We used to use bullfrog but got ate up by sea lice on a carribean vacation. Searching for a product that would provide protection from both, I found this stuff. For the last four or five years we've not been stung or burned. It has a pleasant odor but will sting the eyes if you get it in them.

Dee, So far no hardening or cracking of our silicone masks has appeared, which is a good thing since I have lenses bonded to my mask, making replacement a somewhat expensive proposition.

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