Suggestions on core warmer???

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newbie in TN

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Memphis, TN
HI! I am a new diver and took the advice of my LDS and bought a henderson gold core 3mm 2 piece. I love it, but my first dive was in it was in water that was 58 degrees. I was ok in the water, but when I was out I was freezing!! I then rented a 7 mm for the rest of the weekend. I started looking into a 7 mm, but was given the recommendation to buy a core warmer instead. I could layer it with my core warmer with my other two pieces when needed...over or under. The LDS recommended the core warmer in a 5 mm, rather than a 7 mm suit, with a good hood and gloves. I like the idea, much cheeper and more flexible. SO what do you all think?? Do any of have a core warmer?? If so, do you like it?? Also, do you think I should go with the hood and gloves in 5 mm or 7mm. And what thickness for the core warmer, 5 mm or 3 mm?? Thanks in advance for all of your help!!

Are you always diving in 58 degree water?

If so you most likely should have gotten a 7mm suit.

Back before I got a drysuit I started out with a 7mm Henderson Gold. The water I dive in is about the same as yours. I got a 3mm core with a hood and It was great. I hardly ever got cold except for a New years Dive I did, when the water was like 35 degrees.

IMO with a wetsuit, you will always be colder once you get out of the water than in the water.

Also IMO, if you are going to be diving in water this cold often and you get cold or if you just want to be even warmer, if you can afford it get a 7mm one piece if possible(2 piece 7mm are pretty restrictive) and save the 3mm for warmer weather and warmer water.
If you can't get the 7mm now, IMO I would say yes the core with a hood would be a good investment.

Gloves...Do your hands get really cold? 5mm gloves are pretty thick and 7mm are really thick meaning very hard to use your hands. If you can handle it use 3mm(I use less even in water that is colder than 58 degrees).
But that's what works for me and nobody ever accused me of being extremely bright.

Hope my babbling helped a little.
Thank you for your help. No, I won't always be diving in water that cold, maybe only 2-4 times per year...that's why I hate to invest in a 7 mm suit. I will be diving mostly in the south (arkansas, texas, florida) where water temps will be in the upper 60's to 80's.

As for the gloves and hood, I was leaning towards a 3 mm for those, so thank you for your suggestions...


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