Suggestions for diving with toddlers

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I'm new to Scuba Board, and I'm not sure where the best place is to post questions related to families. If someone can point me to the right section, I would appreciate it! Basically my question is how divers negotiate traveling with kids. Do you stay at resorts that have babysitting -- how risky is that -- are there packages that may connect a lot of families so you can trade off babysitting? Not sure where to start and we don't have any friends with kids who dive. Thanks!
My wife doesn't dive so she usually stays with the kids while I go diving and then she gets to go to a spa or what ever she chooses while I look after the kids (3 years old and 1 years old) this winter though we are leaving the kids at home with our parents so we won't have to worry about that. Most resorts have kid clubs though that you can leave you kids at or even a baby sitting service or take some friends or your parent with you. We went with my parents to Huatulco a couple years ago and it was really nice and relaxing, that way you can have an evening just the 2 of you as well
get a second dive team that you know who may have kids. You can then tag team dive. Wives together then Husbands or couples while the other watches the kids. I taught a class that we did this and it worked great
i'm about to go to florida diving in jan - first time with the baby, so this plan might get tweaked after for another time.

i'm bringing a friend to be my baby nanny. she doesn't dive, but since i don't have a baby daddy, that's my plan. it helps that she's dating the other diver who is coming, but that's pure coincidence - the plan was in place before they met!

i think we'll have to rent a van. or a trailer. not kidding - two cave divers, one with a breather, and a baby!?! that's *not* traveling light!

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