Have a reservation at Den Laman! I'm very excited. Thanks again for all the information from everyone 
One last question- I've been looking at equipment rental pages and have not seen dive lights listed. I have a small light that I saw suggested last year on the forum, but nothing that I would feel comfortable doing night dives with. I was wondering if anyone knows whether any of the dive shops will rent out lights since buying a quality one is not in the budget right now. Not sure if I want to do a full-on night dive, but something right before dawn or right at dusk does sound cool!

One last question- I've been looking at equipment rental pages and have not seen dive lights listed. I have a small light that I saw suggested last year on the forum, but nothing that I would feel comfortable doing night dives with. I was wondering if anyone knows whether any of the dive shops will rent out lights since buying a quality one is not in the budget right now. Not sure if I want to do a full-on night dive, but something right before dawn or right at dusk does sound cool!