Suddenly gained Fear

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I have been diving for 4 years and have over 140 dives under my belt to date.

On a recent outing I suddently began to panic while underwater for no reason. The fear was similar to what was experienced as a student - fear that I was suddenly going to float to the surface.:shakehead Needless to say I didn't come up to the surface but I honestly couldn't wait for the dive to be over and had to remain still. The air disappeared as my breathing became very sudden as it was a real panic attack (the first one in my life either above or below water).

I have not had buoyancy problems for years. There was a lot of surface activity that I could hear i.e. boats etc... Although this is nothing new if you have dove in the red sea at any point!

The panic has since returned on the following 2 dives.

Any suggestions?

I am trained up to advance but that was on my 30th dive. perhaps I need to do some more courses to build confidence again.

Look forward to your views.
That doesn't bother me. It's being deep in a current that is the problem.

I am actually moving to the caribbean in March so really need to get over this stupidity!
How deep were you when this hit? This is precisely what I've felt with the times when I've been badly narced -- A frantic fear that I'm initiating an uncontrolled ascent. The first time it happened, I dumped everything in my wing and drysuit . . . At a depth of 100 feet! I ended up in the silt, very confused and unhappy. Now I know that feeling is narcosis and I have learned not to act on it, and going up just a few feet makes it go away.
The dive conditions weren't too bad. Visibility was about 30ft and I was down at about 60ft so shouldn't really have been narced at all. Luckily I was diving with a very good buddy (my husband) so he prevented me from doing anything stupid.

it pretty much started from nothing and it's as if I could feel the weight of the water above me onto me - if that makes sense at all!

Strangest thing...

Just want it not to happen again which is why I'm considering extra training. Extra training can't do any harm.
Might just be you were narc'd. What part of the Carribbean are you moving to? If it is current that worries you in the Carribbean some places have no current at all there, Bonaire, Curacao, some have ripping current, Cozumel Cancun. Also how long between dives?
Really - shows how long it is since I've been in a classroom! Do explain more and retrack my brain.

All your responses are very useful!
CheddarChick - I had been diving the previous day so the length between dives wasn't the problem. It was also a very easy dive.

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