Originally posted by Sea Squirt
Bash, you and your instructor must have developed quite an affintiy to each other by now!
They're two different instructors, two different personalities and each of them probably blissfuly ignorant of the impression the events had on me.
I feel obliged to say that my story-telling has enhanced the events somewhat (but only a little bit - honest!)
I actually lost my footing in a series of stumbles as I tried to re-gain my upright position in the pool. It didn't happen so neatly as I've told the story.
I remember the first time I over-tipped, my legs sort of slipped in with the instructor's legs - which horrified me! I was struggling away from him and trying to get upright again, but as I nearly re-gained my footing I slipped backward again and it was the second time that I grabbed onto him with my legs so that I could reach for the pool-side to haul myself up.
Really it all happened in about 5 seconds: quicker than its taken you to read the description. Five seconds followed by a long minute-or-so of mortification while he fixed my weight belt and the others looked on.
My OW instructor is a honey - I've met up with him a few times for dives and social stuff since then. Certainly, our karma sutras don't appear to have injured the relationship.
The navigation instructor... well...(he's a tad dull)