Yes.. Definitely black out the case. I wouldn't even say this is an option. Work on land with the strobe placement and power settings and get used to how the camera shoots. I would also always shoot the 8000 in ISO 100 if possible anything higher causes a lot of noise in the image.
The main reason I didn't like the 8000 was the time to recycle and the noise in the picture. Other than that, it was a good starting system. Once I moved on though, I went back to my roots from land photography and got an SLR. I had a film SLR in a Ikelite that I never got to do much with, but my D200 and now D300 I love.. We also really like the SP-350's and use them a lot for a small camera.
The bottom line.. Stick with strobes, black out, and practice settings and placement.
Thanks for the suggestions. Will the YS110's work with the Ikelite cameras? They seem like fairly good strobes. Before I upgrade, I want to make sure I know what I like and don't and where I'm headed. I've only had the camera with flash for under a year and been taking pics when I can.
Once I figure that out, I'll be taking a look at them for sure.