IBUT, Howard, get your facts straight before you start getting pompous and making slams about politics...and my boat.
IF you had read my post , you would have seen that I did not slight your boat or your
I said: "Does every thread in this forum have to digress to a discussion of Catherine's boat or politics or blathering about somebody's heritage? "
I was pointing out that many threads in this forum eventually end in a discussion of one of those topics - regardless of the original subject. Lately I find many of the political comments highly offensive. In the past several weeks, I have seen Americans, Canadians and French insulted and a lot of bashing by both liberals and conservatives. I don't think that is the ohana spirit. Don't you guys realize that people have feelings?
I have several examples:
Stop the Developement Mentality ---------- Ulua Reef
"yea, I am tired of the snide Bush comments."
"don't get me started on W...I hear the jackboots of tyranny a marching..."
"Maybe you can write some letters about the oil spills that are not cleaned up in Canada?"
(Sent to an American citizen)
"oh yea? Well, our Marines are getting dropped like flys and they cannot return fire unless they know the identity of the shooters.... "
"OK, Nice come back but could you pick someone besides a bunch of frenchmen in speedos to contact?"
BTW --- A frenchman in a speedo was instrumental in developing the aqualung and was a pioneer in marine conservation. He is one of my heros.
What is this bad boy doing? -------------- COT behavior
"My deckhands and dive buddies are bailing on me already......I heard that Vblue may be diving with Catherine this weekend, once he gets a taste of the "Good Life", he won't be back......"
"sorry howard.. when i replied last, i seriously thought we were in the "catherine's boat damaged" thread.."
"So...don't be so crochety. It is a message board.....we talk, we dive. on boats."
"I will stick up for Howard on this.......... I know you put in an answer about COT's, but it was very rude of you to call him crotchety."
---------------Hey SOMEBODY read what I said!!
"Maui Dive Shop boat sink[ing] -------------
"Canadians are so much more highly respected in terms of adapting to other cultures that *AMERICANS* try to masquerade as us"
I hope that this situation changes.
Personally, I could care less about anybody's opinions of the current administration.
I'm certain you do not care about mine. As for your boat I really like it.
BTW - my name is MARK