If you like the service aspect of AIs and a nice resort/spa, try El Presidente on Cozumel where I have stayed the last four times for our bi-annual Cozumel trip. It is not AI but I find that the room plus food bill works out to be comparable to the rates of higher end AIs. While my husband and I love to dive, I also like a good pool, nice soft sand beach and great food when we are done with our diving for the day, all of which this hotel provides. In addition to the main pool by the beach there is an adult pool too. The staff there has been great. The food at the open air main restaurant is very good, the breakfast buffet is awesome and the fine dining restaurant has very decent wine. There is a dive operator on site, Scuba Du (I think we did a night dive with them and they were good) but we prefer to dive with the smaller operations like Blue XTSea and Scuba Tony. It’s been several years since I’ve had a chance to dive with Christi but the ST guys were great every time we dove with them. They picked us up at the hotel (not the onsite operator’s pier but right next to it). You will need to verify with the local operators whether there is an added fee for this or if they are even willing. Or take the easy route and dive with Scuba Du. As for the food comments above, I agree that going downtown at least a few nights is super worth it. El Pique remains one of my favorites as well as La Lobsteria. Las Otates was fun, too. My brother goes to Scuba Club Cozumel once or twice a year and it is fine if diving is the prime purpose but no beach and good, but basic, food. Iberostar had super small rooms and lackluster food. As for Cozumel’s AIs on the north side, I have heard they are nice, but are not convenient for the diving that we like to do which all seem to be right by Presidente or the southside, especially if you want a chance to get to Devils throat or Maracaibo. Presidente is not a party hotel so you may want to go elsewhere if that is your scene. It is pretty quiet and laid back but just beautiful and renovated since I was there. Good luck!