After a week of large surf, Merry Passage and I were ready to get back in the water. We had to wait five hours for the fog to lift, but the ocean wasn't as rough as we expected. The visibility, unfortunately, was. We had a milky eight feet vis on the Redondo Beach Artificial Reef. The cabezon nest is coming along, but photographing the eggs was impossible with my 105mm lens in that visibility. I couldn't get the camera to focus, so I settled for a couple of shots of the Dad standing guard.
Two sea lions buzzed us for a while, scaring all of the sand bass. We didn't find the Popeye Catalufa Soldierfish, Pristigenys serrula. It either moved on or was just out of our visual range.
Two sea lions buzzed us for a while, scaring all of the sand bass. We didn't find the Popeye Catalufa Soldierfish, Pristigenys serrula. It either moved on or was just out of our visual range.