I think it comes down to taking the right gas in the right tank with the right marking.
If you're MOD for said dive is 150, then put a 5 over the 9 and go.
I'm quite the fan of 150, 200, 250 and 300 markings, but Ill dive 190 and 240 markings all day long. Rjack mentioned earlier about bottom MODs being a bit flexible, and I agree 100%.
And AG saying something doesn't make it correct, esp when the video footage suggests otherwise. Also, back then, many things were different. I'm sure no ones suggesting color coding tanks anymore, either.
Dalec, we use standard gases for certain depth ranges and certain markings. If ithe plan calls for show ing up with 190 gas, were all going to have 18/45. That's the beauty of having a truly standardized system. Having your stage unmarked means no one can easily and readily tell what's in there. The info is scrawled on a piece of tape somewhere. I cannot fathom that being superior to big, bold markings that everyone can see.
Also, if no math is needed, then what exactly are you checking on the analysis tape? Your scribbled initials? That's a good way to do the funky chicken at 200ft.
I've accidentally clipped off someone elses tank before. The big Richardson sticker tipped me off, and we just traded back
What's really going on here is utd has too many gasses for each depth, and can't realistically mark them all. "Utd/dir long duration ppo2 of .7" and I think 1.0 for regular...double for each depth range?

I have 3 stage markings on my tank fleet: 100, 190, and 300. Done. If I did more at the 150 range, id own a few of those, too.