On something deep like the oil rig Eureka (which bottoms out at about 750 I think), you could easily have one team doing 350 foot dives, another doing 200 foot dives, another doing 150, another doing 100, etc..
Logistically, you'd splash the deepest team first (longest runtime). Wouldn't be too hard to give the 350 team 18/45 (which admittedly probably wouldn't be too bad - 190' deco is way deeper than my qualifications, but as I sit on my armchair, I doubt I'd adjust my schedule for it) and then give the 200 team 21/35 for their bottom stages.
Last time I was out there, Rainer and I were doing 150-160, and Limey was doing something substantially deeper (though I think their deepest deco gas was 120).
I have yet to do a dive big enough that I need a Richardson bottle

P), nor do I often deco off 80s.