I am thinking of taking the next step with SSI and getting my DiveCon. It seems that each of the shops I frequent has different approaches, so I thought I would check here to see if anyone has input. Time, cost, requirements, gosh, any input or points would be great to hear.
I don't work for SSI, but did take the DiveCon class (if the shop can find a SCUBA Skills Update classs for me to teach, I'll even be able to squeeze a card out of them soon

DiveCon is a combination of DM and Assistant Instructor. It's a great class if you plan on teaching or want to lead dives, but assumes you already have excellent skills and are capable of leading dives. There is some additional training on recognizing various behaviors in other divers and handling them appropriately as well as some additional rescue skill tuning, handling groups and some additional physics, search and other skills.
It contains a little extra information for pretty much all of the prerequisite specialties, as well as some material not previously covered like leading trips.
However, from what I've seen, the DiveCon class gives the shop a tremendous amount of latitude in who they want to train and what level of skills they require, since they're essentially "Growing Their Own" staff, so aside from the minimums, the actual requirements depend on where you'll be taking it.
FWIW, the "book" is a 3-ring binder about 2" thick, and you'll go through all that, and then some. Teaching the class is a big investment in time for the shop, so they're not likely to want to train you unless you plan on working for them, or pay them a bunch of money.