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Chicago suburbs
It snowed almost 6 inches yesterday & is so cold, it feels like January. It's very depressing. We only had two nice days of spring weather-than this:(
The only snow we got this year was when I was basking under the Maldivian sun at the end of January.

Could you pleeeeeeaaaassssse send some?

It's already freezing cold, so what's the problem :eek:ut: ?

Tell me, why did you post under "Women Only"?
chiara once bubbled...
why did you post under "Women Only"?

I guess because there is a thread called "Spring !" that's been recently posted here.
It's damn cold here in France too :(
given the opportunity, i''d start all my threads in "women only". to me it seems like a friendlier, more welcoming environment.


chiara once bubbled...
Tell me, why did you post under "Women Only"?
divemistress once bubbled...
given the opportunity, i''d start all my threads in "women only". to me it seems like a friendlier, more welcoing environment.


The word ONLY does not sound too friendly, it sounds frigid. LOL
But your the best
The dogwoods are all blooming, roadsides are full of blue bonnets and wildflowers, and here come a northern.... temps in the upper 30s tonight and ONLY a high in the 60s tomorrow! Well at least I get to escape to blue water and 80-90 degree temps and warm water in just three days, 15 hours and 2 minutes. Cheer up....springs here......ahhhhh in Texas anyways

For some reason this year, Alaska hasn't been able to make a winter!! It's not fair when I see it is colder in the States than here!!
Amanda is right, I posted here without really thinking about it, because of the other post 'Spring!'
I certainly didn't mean to leave the men out of my little whine fest.
This is an equal opportunity thread...anyone who is unhappy with their spring weather, please feel free to b!tch.
consider this: each month, we could schedule a "pms week" -- perhaps the week before the full moon? that week we we could b*tch all we wanted, throw hissy fits and cry about how we can't fit into our wetsuits. without fear of being flamed.....the other three weeks of the month, we'd have to play nice. men, of course, would be invited to participate as this is an equal opportunity thread. :wink:

we haven't had much b*tching here lately, nor many posts period. 'cause we ARE playing nice??? .... maybe a little MORE b*tching would stir things up. :boom:

here's a sample whine: (imagine p*ssy tone of voice.) how come KAT gets to use the b-word in her post, but when I use it, the automatic filter turns it into FIVE asterisks? ;-0

just some early morning, pre-coffee musings.....

Kat used an exclamation mark rather than an "i" ...... tricky isn't she!! :eek:ut:

(I was going to be catty and say she was a tricky "B" since the full moon is next Wednesday ......!!! And she took my user name!!!)

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