Hi guys,
Sorry I failed to update this...
Well I had a full chest CT done, and then contacted a DAN certified diving pulmonologist.
He reviewed the CTs, and noted that there was a small amount of bipecal scarring which is normal after a pneumo. In itself it is nothing to worry about.
He had me do a ton of tests which involved me sitting in an air-tight booth breathing through a mouthpiece. Basically he was testing lung volume, and my ability to exhale the full volume.
We found out that my lungs hold more air than normal, but more importantly, my ability to exhale the air is not really what it should be. I cannot push out as much air in 1 second as I should be able to. I don’t have the actual measurements with me, otherwise I could put up the numbers, but basically he determined that I do have some minor blockage in the lungs.
I do not and never have smoked...
So with that, he gave me a shot of albuteral, and we did the tests again with the same results.
Based on all of that, the doctor recommended that I stay away from diving. He said that even a minor blockage could lead to major problems at depth with compressed air.
So unfortunately no, cannot dive.
Which really sucks because I am a photographer, and I really wanted to try my hand at dive photography.