they need to be in shape and suggesting that we shouldn't encourage people we don't know because we can't be sure what kind of shape they're in.
What is the word I am searching for...not condescending, not patronizing,..not patrician, but there is a word when you take the authority to condone or not for another individual which flies in the face of my love for individual personal freedoms. What makes you assume you should decide this, Rob? I am not trying to be argumentative. I think you operate from an assumption that seems presumptious to me. I think you are one of the best "cognitive" (since I have never dove with you) divers on this board, but I cannot relate to the responsibility you feel towards an adult who has pushed the solo button...
I agree with Nemrod, comparing it to sex education. I think, given all the solo divers who have surfaced lately, we could use a little light in here. When you said "well there is nothing to know about" that dissapointed me a bit because I would like to think of your mind as a bit more open.
To your credit, I have decided not to discuss it too much in the basic forum.
Personally, I think the closet, secretive part of solo diving is responsible for a lot of the anti-DIR sentiment. There is this feeling that DIR folks must really consider themselves superior to be against it but do it themselves and not talk about it. Not to be overdramatic, but I feel a bit "duped". the psychology of it, is like...."what else are they not forthcoming about?" Not because of you, but this entire revelation has shook my faith in "the church" a bit. Why does it matter? Because I am not on this board to hear my own thoughts, I am on here to test my reality against other's thoughts...and when I think of all the times I have made my case about solo, fought the battle, and now, half the board is like "oh, yea, we all do it...", what am I to think? .... That people don't feel they can admit it or would like to skip the heat they know they will take.
I feel a responsibilty to give an honest impression of how I dive if I am going to give opinions and possibly influence others. Is it just me, or does this make sense?