Split fin try out report

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Reaction score
Watauga, TX
# of dives
200 - 499
I learned on and still use Dacor Black Tiger fins, converted to spring strap.

Went diving and tried a set of my buddies Apollo Bio Fins with spring straps

While I give them a "cool" I still gotta give a thumbs down.

The following are my opinions and if I would have learned on splits or practice more with them I'm sure I could overcome some of the cons.


Quick short flutter kick took very little effort to move fast, very little effort, even with double 80's

Felt as if I just had my boots on with no fins, very little water resisance is felt but you can flutter away, I'm sure I could dive more with less fatigue if I got used to them

Felt as if I just had my boots on with no fins, yes I know I posted that as a pro but for me being used to the black tiger monster pontoon fins I am used to the "feedback" feeling of the water, makes me feel in control, with the splits I was all over the place and blew through my air due to lack of feeling in control in all positions other than flat swim with flutter.

Frog kick seamed very less effective

Helicopter turns for me in these were impossible

Very negative bouancy, harder to keep my trim in the water when not kicking

I'll stick with regular fins
Hmmm... You go faster, less fatigue, but because they don't feel like you're doing leg exercises... you'll stick with standard fins?? I just saw another report on frog kicks - and noticed you said "Frog kick seamed very less effective" but based on the studies I saw... you are faster frog kicking the bios than paddle fins.... again - it just doesn't seem it because of the efficiency of the fin in the water and the lack of fatigue.

Reading your review of them - I agree with almost everything you say... other than why in the world would you not choose to dive them over paddles fins when there is more speed, power, less fatigue and less air burned due to less muscle needed... Just because they seem too easy??? The control issue is simply getting used to them... And as far as bouyancy... they are perhaps a pound negative compared to other fins - and you can get neutral or positive splits in Tusa or Scubapro if that is really an issue.

It's great you tried them - to make your own decision... but it's just weird that almost everything you said was a glowing review for using them... after you get used to not having to work as hard.
Hey! I just finished a month long comparison of SP Jet fins vs. SP Twin Jets. I learned more than anything else that it takes time to learn how to use different kinds of fins. I hated the Jets at first, but they grew on me. The first time back in the water with the splits produced a report almost identicle to yours. Here's that thread in case anyone wants to read it. Also yesterday I kicked off the "Really Long Fin Challenge" and predictably, hated them. 29 days to go.
I'm not trashing them, I gave them the "cool" but I'm gonna stick with what works for me for now, I do want to try other splits as well in the future other than the apollo's though.
Be advised that those fins are about the "floppiest" splits on the market. If you want precise movements and better frog kick, you should try a stiffer split fin. The SP twin speed is very stiff (kinda like your paddle fins...) and I find that they perform precise movements much better.
I had a strap break on a dive boat, and didnt have my extra straps with me, so I borrowed a pair of split fins. Like it was mentioned above, the only thing I didnt like about them was how much my feet floated when I wasnt swimming. I'm sure if I gave them time, and worked with some ankle weights or something, I could get used to them, but I love my Velocity's, and I'll stick with them.

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