Begining at the stern, ball #1 descends to the port side stern at about 65 fsw. Ball #2 descends to the port side about 75' from the stern above the open hold section at about 60 fsw. Ball #3 descends all the way to the bottom at about 130 fsw and is attached to a crane laying on the sand which leads to the starboard side about 50' away.
Ball #4 desends to the port side amidship at about 55 fsw above the main cabin structure area. Ball # 5 descends to just below the portside at about 70 fsw just in front of the bridge, with a second submerged descent line beginning there in front of the bridge and descending an additional 60 fsw to the sand. Ball #6 is on the bow at about 75 fsw.
Padipro is correct that it is hard to explore the entire wreck on one dive, particularly if it's your first. If you really want to "explore" in detail, I'd suggest saying between one ball each way from your descent point.
However, if you want to get more of an "overview" of the SG and the currents aren't running too bad, I'd suggest you do a multi-level dive. Begin by staying on the port side between 55' to 75' and swimmming the length of the wreck. If the viz is good, you will get a very good idea of the wreck...even what's on the bottom. Then, depending on air and bottom time remaining, descend furthur to explore a particular area. This dive plan should get you about 35 minutes on air or 50 minutes on Nitrox.
Another interesting thing to do is to follow the bow anchor line in the sand out about 300 feet to a really huge anchor.
Enjoy the SG.......I've been on it a good many times now and never cease to be amazed at what things there are to do.