SPG Placement

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Reaction score
Surrey, BC
# of dives
200 - 499
Hey guys. I've been diving my rig for awhile now with no complaints, but last night at my diveclub meeting we had a tech instructor come in. I was curious so I checked it out.

My stance on the DIR setup is, unless proven otherwise, I'm not gonna question the little things, because I don't want to re-learn stuff down the road if I don't have to. Anyway, this guy had his spg on a short hose, zip tied to his bcd inflator hose. Seemed like a good idea and I'm trying to see why this isn't done more often. It's short enough, out of the way, not an entanglement hazard....

Not trolling, just curious because it was my first time seeing this setup. Enlighten me please.

well, it seemed like it'd be easier to look at, no need for clipping and unclipping, and it just follows an existing piece of equipment, so doesn't really get in the way at all.

I guess it's more like it just didn't seem like a bad idea and I was surprised I hadn't seen it before. I have absolutely no problems with the existing setup as I'd stated, but am more then willing to keep my eyes open to new ideas.
Wouldn't the stiffness of the hose under pressure cause problems??? I would think it would tend to extend the BCD inflator hose forward.
I guess the placement would have a whole lot to do with one's eyesight . . . specially when ya get to be my age!!!
Here are a few potential problems I can think of

  • The HP hose is very very stiff when under pressure and would impede bending, flexing the inflator hose
  • The SPG could get in the way of an emergency disconnect of the LP hose
  • The SPG could get in the way of oral inflation of the wing
  • A brass SPG is very heavy and would cause the inflator to hang down further than it already does.
  • more clutter in an already cluttered area.
  • It would be a pain in the arse with doubles, because now your two regulators are zip-tied together making assembly, disassembly, and cleaning of your regulators more difficult.

I haven't seen this done, or the exact implementation, but it sounds like it doesn't solve any problems and introduces others.
Thanks for the extra brains on this one guys. It does seem like more hassle then it's worth.

I hadn't thought about the hose stiffening under pressure causing it to extend the infaltor hose in front of you. I had thought about the potential to make dumping more difficult, but I use my pull dump on the rear, so that wasn't such a big deal. Taking gear apart would definitely be a problem when stuff is all zap strapped together.

I'll be sticking with my spg clipped to my hip d-ring.

Thanks again guys, always good to have more brains as mine doesn't always do the trick right away.

Ive never dove it that other way before, but I have heard of folks doing that. I would recomend you try it out at least for one dive, that way you ll know for yourself the disadvantages/advantages of it.

For the record my set up is totally DIR but, I dont mind trying new things that way when some one ask me a DIR gear config question I know first hand, and dont just repeat stuff Ive read (although that sometimes happens).

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