A person dying in public view has no right to privacy. Taking their photo does not violate their rights if used for editorial purposes. You may find it distasteful but that's another argument.
This statment is utter, and complete BS. Not only does the person have a right to privacy, but also to decency and respect.
We should keep in mind that what we believe to be "proper" or "tasteful" is different from what may be protected or required by law. In the vast majority of cases, if you are in a public place, you have no legal right to privacy. I don't believe a person's physical condition (i.e., impending demise) has any bearing on the legalities of the issue.
This is really a right to dignity.
While these voyeurs might feel empowered to callously steal the dignity from an injured or dying person, I feel that it is our duty to thwart them as much as is ethically possible.
I believe what I said above also applies to dignity. Do I think videotaping a rescue in progress is "tasteful" or "proper"? Depends. Can you attempt to thwart behavior you find distasteful or improper? Sure, and you'll probably be within your legal rights as long as you refrain from assault.
"Legal" and "tasteful" are often miles apart.