Specific Questions?

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Teenage girls are worried about peer pressure, making a "Fashion Statetment" and all that great stuff. (Since Ive gottn MUCH older about the only phrase I use is "Does This Make Me Look Fat????)

You might want to collect some web site addresses like "Dive Goddess", etc!

sorry off topic on a great thread question

Ms. Paramedic,

maybe we should register a really cool tshirt design...

something like "does this tank make my but look big" on the front and maybe a graphic of a tank with silhouette curves on the back.

what do you ladies think? :)

on a more serious note, to answer the question:
i would also address issues of stress and panic and emphasize the equality of the sexes aspect - ie. women are not more likely to panic or freak out while diving on the basis of sex alone. this has been implyed to me on more than one occasion and i find this stereotype more than a little disconcerting...

dive safe:) lorien
I don't think girls that age would ask a guy your age that kind of question. Is this a mixed group you are teaching, or just girls?

My original instructor addressed it by saying that if it doesn't stop you from other activities, it shouldn't stop you from diving, but if you don't feel well for any reason, don't dive. Simple and to the point without being graphic.

You might want to be careful about the related issues --- is there a female instructor or divemaster you could call upon to address the other items like tampons and birth control questions specifically with the girls? The girls' parents might not appreciate hearing that this info came from a young man like you.

One thing that would really good to impress upon them is the importance of setting up their own gear. It will build their competence and confidence as divers.
It's a mixed crowd, I've tought the same type of group from the same schools for a couple years, but this is the first time I won't have a Female DM to "pass off" the questions to.

I always let them set up their gear. they learn much faster that way. doesn't do them any good if I do if for them. We run a little bit more advanced Basic course then most Ive seen. these kids are put through a full week of 8 hour days, 4hr in the pool in the morning, 4hr in classroom in the afternoon, with the last 2 full days openwater at the end. Not to brag, but this operation puts out some of the best Basic students I have ever seen/worked with, very proud to be associated with them. we have been Dive acident free for over 10yrs (knock on wood, the last one was a blown ear when the diver hit the water on his side), and Never a case of LOP or DCS. We like to add the extra's...


As it is Saudi Arabia, information on certain "female specific" topics it hard to come by, so I want to cover all the bases.

Thanks again for all your help, getting a lot of good ideas here.

Didn't they also have an article as to whether or not one should sleep with one's instructor?! True, the toilet article was instructive, but I don't know thank our young instructor should be recommending the magazine as a reference guide to minors. Did you see the issue with the photo of a husband's tatoo? Made me less inclined to ever even think about cave diving...
Amph, you mentioned Saudi Arabia. Consuming alcohol is illegal, as far as I know. The only Canadian I know who worked in Saudi Arabia was immediately detained and deported when he was hungover in public. The penalty is much harsher for Saudi citizens.

I'm a high school teacher, and I find that girls nowadays are far bolder than in the past. They are not as easily embarrassed and modest as their mothers were. In fact, they may even decide to ask you embarrassing questions just to see you squirm. I have seen girls purposely be extremely vulgar just to see how the fellows react. A handout is a good idea, and then carry on as usual.

My OW instructor was awful. He wouldn't allow my husband to carry my tanks, and he made a big deal about carrying everything in one trip! You may need to allow for more trips to haul gear. It takes a little longer. But everybody should pitch in and do what they can to help. I appreciated instructors who reminded the group that we should all help each other, that's why we have buddies. Don't be afraid to ask for assistance.
Spent almost 18yrs in Saudi, trust me, Alcohol is easier to find there then weed is in BC :)

I've known a few that have been 86'd because they had a problem with their booze, yet another reason we're so strict about it on the dive trips.

As for the "vulgar" ones. Good point, I work as a DJ and Bartender, so if they decide to get raunchy, I've probably heard it before, but something to be aware of and prepared for. Again, good point.

Louie: thanks for the DiveGirl Site, great articles, but somehow I don;t think I'll be discussing the Underwater Nookie one with 16-17yr olds :nono:

You Ladies Continue to be a great help, Thanks.

I think you've had some great suggestions --

I'd also suggest addressing the idea that different body types have different needs -- specifically an example that comes to mind is that i have wide hips and really prefer using a weight belt because my hips hold it exactly where I want it. A man with a skinny butt and a slight belly may do much better with an integrated system of a suspender or holster system so that the belt doesn't slide down off his butt.

Now, I'm not saying that you need to use that example -- but I think there is an opportunity to discuss how we are each individuals and may need to have our own slight modifications -- not necessarily just due to gender, but other individual differences.

Also, might be nice to point out that women are typically more bouyant than men (not always, but typically) -- on one hand that means that they may need to use a bit more lead than a similar sized man, it also may mean that they are a bit more comfortable on the surface.

I've also found, especially when working with adolescents, using the terms men and women instead of boys and girls, or ladies, etc -- helps to keep things a little more professional -- some how it sets the tone that you are speaking in an 'adult' manner.

Another possible point, is that typically, women have less upper body strength than men. But women often have really great lower body strength. You can show how each has it benefits.

Good luck.
I took the class as a highschool female, so here are some of the things that I had the hardest time with:

When your instrustor asks if all your gear fits right, I found it hard just to come out and say, no I think mine is too small, because it can be emabrrassing in front of a bunch of guys, especially when your not the typical "barbie doll teenage girl" I don't know how this would relate to a handout, but maybe just try to take the students alone and discuss gear, that way their not uncomfortable with changing it.

Another main question that would be awesome to cover would definetley be about diving while on a period. I was concerned too.

A question I still really don't know the answer to but have alway wondered, is Are women more buoyant because of certain external body parts? Maybe, maybe not, it just seemed like I took a lot more weight then most of the guys in the class.

A lot of teenagers these days are fighting emotional problems, and ma have questions like, Is it ok to dive while on anitdepressants? That really isn't a question that most people would feel comfortable asking in front of a class.

I can't think of anymore questions off the top of my head, but I can think of one more thing. I HIGHLY reccommend the book "When Women Dive." It has a lot of great answers to a lot of questions that females have. Might be good to have one on hand.

Hope that this might have helped a little, if I think of any more questions that I had, I will post them. In the mean time, if you have any questions, feel free to ask! :)


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