Aloha everyone!
This is a great thread!
I am the Observation and Compliance Coordinator for The Hui Malama O Pupukea Waimea Conservation Group. We are a community based group that is helping to protect the Pupukea MLCD (Marine Life Conservation District). We set up an outreach tent each Saturday rotating from Sharks Cove, 3 Tables, & Waimea Bay. This next Saturday (16th) the group will be at 3 Tables. For more information on our group and how you can help,
We are always looking for help monitoring the MLCD, so if anyone would like to volunteer, just email or PM me or call the number on the website. Volunteers just log the hours that they patrol the park and report and document any violations they witness.
Some of the
official rules for the MLCD are as follows:
Polefishing from shore within Waimea Bay (2 pole per person, 2 hooks per pole). Commercial net fishing is allowed in certain time periods for certain species, but they must not use motors to maneuver while inside the bay.
Collecting Limu (Algae) within quantity limits per person.
Removing ANYTHING from MLCD except where allowed (see above)
Any spearfishing within the entire MLCD, Polefishing from anywhere except Waimea Bay.
Possessing any device used to take resources from the MLCD (this includes traversing the park with fishing gear)
The tidepools are technically not part of the MLCD due to State/city lease agreements, but we are pushing to have the tidepools included because it is an intricate part of the ecosystem of the MLCD.
This is just some general info but please check the
Hui Malama website for more information
Thank you for all of you who are watching and reporting...remember ANYONE can call DLNR violation hotline...587-0077 (it's also on the signs).
Drew Wheeler
Observation and Compliance Coordinator
Hui Malama O Pupukea Waimea