Great dive report.... but whats that about the beer. Whats the differance between a good BUD LIGHT and a bad one. The micro -brew I.P.A. is the hearty beer that keeps the boys warm in these cold waters. I as for the bostonian girls, you obvoiusly weren't need any of the colleges, must have spent to much time in the tunnels of the T breathing fumes. Thanks for the report come back soon. Dave
When I first moved to West Viriginia, I had three rules for dating a girl:
1. She had to be smart
2. She had to weigh less than me
3. She had to have all over her teeth
After a couple of dry years, I changed my rules:
1. She didn't have to be smart, but she couldn't be dumb
2. She could weigh more than me, but bust size still had to be bigger than waist size
3. She had to have most, if not all, of her teeth
Fortunately I met a mountain girl who met all of my original criteria.
Oh, and BTW, we used to have the best I.P.A. in the world here in West Virignia, Appalachian Ale, but the brewery closed last year.