But surely your ridiculously high tax rates should translate into impeccably maintained roads throughout the province!!!!!
As for the incident that @doctormike posted, I'd say CO2 retention. A hard packed axial is pretty hard to overbreathe. Coupled with cold water, high work load, I think it's not a scrubber issue. The fact that going SCR alleviated the issue speaks to me that he changed his breathing pattern and tidal volume pretty significantly in order to maintain SCR, and probably in doing so, was able to evacuate any retained CO2.
Yeah, I would be surprised if the take home was that a four hour scrubber is no good after 90 minutes. That test data should mean something, even though it's limited to very specific conditions. Workload means something, sure, but I never heard anyone claim that scrubber function declines in a linear fashion over it's rated lifespan.