Some Newbie Questions

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So I did my cavern certification. I went into it expecting to get better as a diver since cavern/cave diving requires a lot more skills, attention to detail, etc. But I never really thought of them as something I would have a constant interest in. I know I like wrecks, deep water and so forth, but not thought about this. I was expecting to see wet rocks, get some valuable training, and move on. Well I was wrong. The cavern course set the hook and now I'm seriously looking down that dark path to go beyond recreational.

So my plan now is to start collecting the right gear. (I am a college student, this might take a while) and just keep practicing my skills in caverns to get more solid and competent. And once I have all the gear, I will start the training. But I'm now looking at new gear that I have no experience with. I will be talking to my cave instructor here, but I like multiple opinions and knowledge and since I've learned so much here, thought if you wouldn't mind, if I could ask some questions.

The biggest thing is air. I know I will need a different BC. My confusion is I sometimes see the cave divers with back mounted doubles and sometimes I see side mounted aluminums. Are there special cases for each or is it personal preference? Is there a time when you use both? Is there a reason one should choose one over the other or is this just another hot topic like split fins vs paddle fins?

For regulators. The two I have are Scubapro. M17/A700 and M11/C300 (usually on my pony bottle). They are both environmentally sealed for cold water diving. Both have been solid with no problems. Are these acceptable for cavern/cave diving?

I guess those are my two biggest concerns for now. I appreciate it!
Sidemount and backmount are two different approaches to gear. I believe sidemounting started pretty much as a way to get into cave that was too small for backmount gear, but it has become more popular, and people are now starting out in sidemount. Some folks switch back and forth, but I think the majority pick one way to set themselves up and stick with it.

There are arguments for and against each setup. The folks who dive backmount like the fact that the manifold gives them access to all the remaining gas after a post is shut down; the folks who like sidemount argue that there is NO way you can lose all your gas from a single failure with a sidemount setup. (Of course, the failures that would lose all your gas in backmount are vanishingly rare . . . ) Backmount folks spend a lot of time learning valve drills, because the valves are behind their heads, whereas sidemount divers can see theirs. Backmount divers don't have to switch regs from time to time, and can always donate what they are breathing. Sidemount divers have to do reg switches, and depending on the way they have their stuff set up, may not be able to donate the regulator they are breathing.

Backmount setups nowadays are pretty standardized, whereas sidemount setups are much more idiosyncratic, and even when you use an "out of the box" configuration, they require a fair amount of tweaking to get the tanks to ride just so. What you would use in warm water with aluminum tanks is different from what you would use in cooler water with steels.

There are arguments for both, but whichever approach you choose to start with, you should spend the time to get your gear dialed in, and to know your configuration, with its strengths and weaknesses, very well. I have stuck with backmount so far, because I don't dive cave where I need a sidemount rig, and I haven't gotten past the smorgasbord of options for setups and attachments and all the "stuff" that goes with sidemount diving. A set of backmounted doubles is just plain easy :)

If your regs are DIN, they should be fine.
So I did my cavern certification. I went into it expecting to get better as a diver since cavern/cave diving requires a lot more skills, attention to detail, etc. But I never really thought of them as something I would have a constant interest in. I know I like wrecks, deep water and so forth, but not thought about this. I was expecting to see wet rocks, get some valuable training, and move on. Well I was wrong. The cavern course set the hook and now I'm seriously looking down that dark path to go beyond recreational.

So my plan now is to start collecting the right gear. (I am a college student, this might take a while) and just keep practicing my skills in caverns to get more solid and competent. And once I have all the gear, I will start the training. But I'm now looking at new gear that I have no experience with. I will be talking to my cave instructor here, but I like multiple opinions and knowledge and since I've learned so much here, thought if you wouldn't mind, if I could ask some questions.

The biggest thing is air. I know I will need a different BC. My confusion is I sometimes see the cave divers with back mounted doubles and sometimes I see side mounted aluminums. Are there special cases for each or is it personal preference? Is there a time when you use both? Is there a reason one should choose one over the other or is this just another hot topic like split fins vs paddle fins?

For regulators. The two I have are Scubapro. M17/A700 and M11/C300 (usually on my pony bottle). They are both environmentally sealed for cold water diving. Both have been solid with no problems. Are these acceptable for cavern/cave diving?

I guess those are my two biggest concerns for now. I appreciate it!

As Dr Lynn said, bm and sm are 2 totally different setups. However, a lot of sm is diy. What is your current bc as some are adaptable for sm even a bp/w can be adapted to some extent for sm.

Netdoc made a really good post on sm modifications to his express tech which will give you some idea of how to make do with the gear you have.

Side Mounting Mods on my Zeagle Express Tech...

One thing is commercially available sm gear is in it's infancy and it would be much better to work on your skills while the manufactures work out the kink in their stuff first. I made my own sm harness but I'm still using my own bm single wing as can't justify getting a pure sm rig at the moment.

A lot of the older sm divers have really funky rigs but it's their skills that make the whole difference.p

P.S. I'm following this thread very carefully lol!
Sidemount configurations. . . how to secure top of tank
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So I did my cavern certification. I went into it expecting to get better as a diver since cavern/cave diving requires a lot more skills, attention to detail, etc. But I never really thought of them as something I would have a constant interest in. I know I like wrecks, deep water and so forth, but not thought about this. I was expecting to see wet rocks, get some valuable training, and move on. Well I was wrong. The cavern course set the hook and now I'm seriously looking down that dark path to go beyond recreational.

So my plan now is to start collecting the right gear. (I am a college student, this might take a while) and just keep practicing my skills in caverns to get more solid and competent. And once I have all the gear, I will start the training. But I'm now looking at new gear that I have no experience with. I will be talking to my cave instructor here, but I like multiple opinions and knowledge and since I've learned so much here, thought if you wouldn't mind, if I could ask some questions.

The biggest thing is air. I know I will need a different BC. My confusion is I sometimes see the cave divers with back mounted doubles and sometimes I see side mounted aluminums. Are there special cases for each or is it personal preference? Is there a time when you use both? Is there a reason one should choose one over the other or is this just another hot topic like split fins vs paddle fins?

For regulators. The two I have are Scubapro. M17/A700 and M11/C300 (usually on my pony bottle). They are both environmentally sealed for cold water diving. Both have been solid with no problems. Are these acceptable for cavern/cave diving?

I guess those are my two biggest concerns for now. I appreciate it!
Does your cavern instructor teach cave diving? If you like them,and think you will go back to them for instruction,then ask them these questions,because ulimately they will be teaching you,and they can guide you in the best direction. If your cavern instructor doesn't teach cave diving,then find someone that you would like as instructor,and seek these answers. Many times forum responses can give conflicting information,which adds to confusion.
What is your current bc as some are adaptable for sm even abp/w can be adapted to some extent for sm.

I don't have a BC that's good for any tech diving yet. I just have my seahawk I've been using up until now for recreational. I didn't want to get a BC until I understood what I needed.

I will be going to the same guy for cave diving. I like him a lot. I was just looking at multiple opinions. I know information will sometimes conflict but I got what I needed; to know the difference between the two and such. I appreciate it a bunch. I now have better questions for my instructor. Thanks again all of you!
Don't forget to see what your instructor is proficient in and teaches in. If you decide sidemount, make sure that your instructor not only teaches in SM but also is a proficient SM diver.

PfcAJ has given you a great link to gear setups. Even if you don't plan on being a GUE diver, that BP/W setup (the north Florida cave configuration, hollistic hogarthian, and several other names) is a pretty standard setup for technical/cave divers.
Beg, borrow, steal or rent both......Try both....You do not have to choose one or the other....I'm a long time bm diver and tried sm but prefer bm....But there are environments where sm is the only choice and that's what I use....The more variations in gear you learn to use the better diver you'll become.....Over time you'll probably go down the path most dedicated divers go......ONE CANNOT HAVE TOO MUCH GEAR ;P !!!!

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