I was generally happy with the course though in some ways I felt it was something of a formality.
I am interested - as an Instrucutor - in the experience of divers who pursue this type of training, irrespective of agency. While I teach an 'alternative', perhaps to some a 'competing' course - the PADI SRD - and I cannot claim specific familiarity with the SDI course, it is nonetheless very useful to learn about the broader student experience. And, YES, I am picking your brain, and NO, I won't send you a check for a consulting fee.

But, if you are willing to share a few additional insights, it would be very much appreciated.
I'd never carried anything in my BCD pockets in the past mainly because I could never see into them and it was such a hassle to find anything. Now I had to be able to reach into the pocket to retrieve a mask or an SMB by touch. I had to be able to take my mask off, reach into the pocket to withdraw the spare mask while maintaining reasonable buoyancy.
This is an insightful comment. In the SRD course, as an example, we have the students complete a 'No Mask Swim', which I believe to be a useful training experience. But, your comment suggests to me that we might add a skill, perhaps at the end of the 'No Mask Swim,' which could even be a bit of a game - have the students put 3 objects in a BCD pocket beforehand, and then have them retrieve the objects (with their mask off), in a specific order, to show that they can, by touch, recognize and retrieve objects from a storage pocket (BCD, waist pocket, exposure suit thigh pocket - it doesn't matter). We do not have them do a 'No Mask' SMB deployment in our course at present. But, since they deploy their SMBs multiple times during the course, maybe one of them SHOULD be a 'No Mask' deployment. Thanks for mentioning this.
We did little by way of gas planning and navigation. I think there were aspects like that which could have been given more attention on the course. That said, we don't normally use it on our dives, but there are circumstances and other areas where it could be useful.
That may simply be a reflection of the standards for the SDI course - each agency / course stresses different aspects of the training. I am curious - did you calculate your SAC (surface air consumption) rate during the course, based on actual data? And, were there any specific compass exercises that you were required to complete during the course?
I liked the instructor. He was friendly and polite. His teaching was clear and well communicated and he seemed competent.
You made a point in the first post, about being impressed that the '
Instructor confirmed to have technical training and is supervised by tech diver instructor'. Did you see ways in which that background added to the content / value of your course?