obesity!And I'm sure, later this year, the experts will decide they were all wrong. It will be discovered that soda can help cure_________!
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obesity!And I'm sure, later this year, the experts will decide they were all wrong. It will be discovered that soda can help cure_________!
simbrooks:Woah, hold up there!! I think that gatorade is not a carbonated drink, and as such doesnt contribute to dehydration. From what i have gathered thru research, gatorades sugars and salts etc are good for you, particularly if you have been working out heavily, they are a little too much for you when diving - as you dont lose that much thru sweat and so if you are taking water and gatorade for an SI drink, dilute the gatorade down with water, like 1 part gatorade, 2 or 3 parts water to give you enough. I have to start adding gatorade into my post workout drinking again, i ran out a little ago and noticed the difference when i got home, felt worse just drinking water as i wasnt replaing the salts.
lamont:Soda also causes glucose and insulin spikes. In the long term this will lead to diabetes. In the short term it leads to a blood sugar crash and a craving for more sweet foods and simple carbs. This is a self-reinforcing cycle which then leads to too much calorie consumption and obesity.
chickdiver:Haven't given it up. Don't plan to. I already knew both of these facts. I do stick to Diet Coke 95% of the time, and I have a bout a half can a day with dinner. I like it, so....
Being British i can fully vouch for the BDA, they are well known and set the standards for almost all the dentists in the UK. They do fund research and are on the forefront of what is going on in dentistry. They are similar to the ADA over here, who i also didnt know much about before i moved into this country (apart from their position as approx. the equivalent of the BDA). You need to get out around the world some more and see what the rest of the world does - the Americans dont have the first call on everything in research, nor do the Brits, its a combination of research and studying around the entire world that has introduced many ideas into the mainstream of any area of life and are the basis of many recommendations as well as laws.weekender:I would also like to be able to verify his research. your post mentions, "The British Dental Association sent out a warning ." I'm American and not familiar with this organization or their warning but according to their website they are a trade union and set work policies for dental professionals not set health standards or do research.