SoCal Dive Sites

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Very cool website Rick. Thanks for doing it.
Ahh I thought about that but what hurts for asking? =D

Didn't know we had honorary Crabs across the U.S. and overseas as well.

Need any help, let me know!

I will keep you in mind:wink:

Very cool website Rick. Thanks for doing it.

Hi Dave,

You are welcome! It is taking longer than I thought to get it going, but, of course, I am on here having fun:D

I am currently (today) working on a Beach Crab's Dive Site Website, to provide info for most of the divesites from Santa Barbara County down to San Diego County.

Here is the Site Address:

I am working on the info to put on each site, so hang with me, until I get everything on there.

The projected time of simi-completion is tomorrow.

I am working on pictures, maps, gps, and site info. When finished, this should be a pretty extensive list.


I have photos of some of the sights if you need any :D The page is looking Great though

Neat! Thanks for putting the time and effort into this.
I have photos of some of the sights if you need any :D The page is looking Great though

I am sorting through my extensive divesite picture files, now. I will let you know if I need more. Thanks


Neat! Thanks for putting the time and effort into this.

Just a quick update!

The divesites are taking longer than I thought, due to a malfunction, on my part. OOPS I lost a couple files, and have to rewrite them.:11:

Anyway, I will be working on it at a steady pace, and get it published, soon.

Thanks for your patience,
Hi Rick,

Just went again to the .net site, and have a suggestion/question:

Could you put a little map on each of the sections (by county?) for where each site is? Not being all that familiar with them, I'd like to know which ones are close by, as well as what there is to see at each of the sites.

Also, is there any preserve around here that we could start working into an Underwater Park like they have up in Edmonds? It's a gorgeous dive that has lots of 'stuff' to see under there! I'd be more than happy to volunteer some of my time to making/maintaining such a thing!

I have a couple more ideas if you'd like to discuss offline concerning actual "club" stuff! \

Otherwise, great work so far, and let me know if I can help in some way!

Hey Rick.....Hope your getting paid well for all the hard work you put in here and on the website......:rofl3::rofl3:

Thanks Brother :)
I have the sites from Jade Cove to Arroyo Burro, up on the BC's Website. Hang in there, I will finish this one of these days:wink:

I am working on getting the sites up, then I will go back and fine tune them, and perfect them. The ones up there are just rough drafts.

Check back soon.


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